That was a wonderful fair this past weekend. I hope everyone was able to attend and enjoy the amazing local food, including Deon’s, Goldie’s Rotisserie, Nina’s (new this year), and of course the West Tisbury Firemen’s booth. There were incredible displays of artistry, gardening, and baking. Aquinnah’s own Morgan Hodgson won first place for her eggs, Wilde Whitcombe won first place for his tomatoes, and his sister, Indaia, entered a cake in the baking category, and his mother, Alexandra, also entered vegetables. ZuZu Sauer won a blue ribbon for her mini flower arrangement, and her sister, Jae, won a blue ribbon and the Myra Houle Award for the best overall junior flower arrangement. Congratulations to everyone, and thank you for sharing your work with the community.
As I was at the fair, I was reminded of Angie Waldron, and how much she loved the fair. Nothing could keep her away from it, not even after she had a stroke and couldn’t drive, she just got on a bus and went. I went to the fair with my sister, and we perused the antique power engines, tools, and cars, not because we were particularly interested in them but because our father would have loved the exhibit, and is no longer here to enjoy it. I was struck by how the fair connects us to our past and our traditions, even if we were not raised here, or are just visiting. I don’t understand people who don’t enjoy the fair; I really do believe that there is something there for everyone, and that you get to know your neighbors a little better — who knew they could toss a skillet that far, or could shear a sheep, or grow perfect tomatoes? It’s wonderful, and like Angie, I never want to miss it.
A reminder that the State Primary is Tuesday, Sept. 6; voting will take place from 7 am to 8 pm at the Aquinnah Town Hall. The last day to register to vote for the State Primary is this Saturday, August 27. In-person early voting begins on Saturday, August 27, and continues through Sept. 2. Early voting hours on August 27 are 10 am to 2 pm. Hours from August 29 through Sept. 2 will be Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 10 am to 12 pm, and 12:30 to 2:30 pm. All early voting will be at the Aquinnah Town Hall. The last day to apply for a vote-by-mail ballot is Monday, August 29, at 5 pm. The last day to apply for an in-person absentee ballot is Friday, Sept. 2, at 5 pm.
Joan LeLacheur is having an Open Studio showing her ocean jewelry and mosaic tiles on Saturday, August 27, from 11 am to 5 pm at 42 Old South Road in Aquinnah. If you would like to schedule an appointment, contact Joanie at, or text her at 508-939-1691.
Yoga is happening at the Town Hall with Neva Goldstein Monday and Wednesday mornings at 9 am. This is a vinyasa-style class and costs $20; please bring your own mat.
This Thursday at 7 pm, the Aquinnah library will host the live debut of the duo Setsunai, comprised of Kaila Allen-Posin and Laura Jordan-Decker. The duo will perform their acoustic music on the deck, and will share the story of their founding at the beginning of pandemic, March 2020. The concert is free and open to all. On Saturday from 3 to 4 pm, Bridgette from Maple Mehndi will be doing henna on the deck, space is limited, email to register.
Hot off of winning a blue ribbon at the fair for best food booth (Goldie’s Rotisserie), Lexie Roth will perform with Space Invaders on Monday, August 29, at 8 pm at the Loft. Tickets are $5 at the door.
The Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival drive-in continues this weekend with “The Mitchells vs. the Machines” on Friday and “Jurassic Park” on Saturday. Gates open at 6:45, and the films begin at 7:45 pm. Go to to reserve your space.
If you have any Aquinnah Town Column suggestions, email Molly Purves,