Tisbury select board approves special warrant

Tisbury’s select board approved a Sept. 20 special warrant at a one item meeting Tuesday afternoon at the town’s senior center. — Rich Saltzberg

During a brief meeting at the town’s senior center Tuesday afternoon, Tisbury’s select board unanimously approved a warrant for its Sept. 20 special town meeting at the M.V. Performing Arts Center. The single item of the warrant is a request for $25,610,841 in additional funds to support the Tisbury School renovation and addition project.

Last week the board did away with a ballot question for the same request. A decision by the Massachusetts Department of Revenue granted the town permission not to hold a special town meeting on the funding request, which is technically a Proposition 2½ debt exclusion. The previous choice not to hold the special election didn’t sit well with some Tisbury residents, who complained it abridged the democratic process. The board also announced it would hold a meeting on Sept. 2 regarding a decision by the state legislature to allow all alcohol licenses in Tisbury.