The Steamship Authority began work on the landside portion of the Woods Hole terminal reconstruction project Monday. The marine portion of the project was completed this past spring, according to SSA spokesman Sean Driscoll. Driscoll noted the marine side of the project cost $59.5 million, and the landside portion is expected to cost between $31 million and $34 million.
The first elements of the landside work will include preparations for the new ticket office and utility building, according to a press release. This work is described as part of “Phase 5” of the terminal project.
“Contractor Lawrence Lynch Corp. will be raising the base elevation of the terminal approximately 5 feet to satisfy floodplain requirements, and they will be installing new stormwater piping that will connect with the piping installed as part of the marine phase of the project,” the release states.
The release further states, “Due to the complexity of the landside work, Phase 5 will be broken into six subphases to allow ferry operations to be maintained at the terminal during construction. Detailed maps have been created to help customers and the community review the updated traffic flows through the site as work progresses; the maps have been posted on the authority’s website, and will be updated if necessary as the phase progresses. Project and operational updates will be available on the authority’s social media channels, on its website, and through weekly eNews bulletins.”
The release indicates that Phase 5 will end May 15, 2023, and in the interim, the SSA “thanks its customers, neighbors, and the communities it serves for their patience and understanding during this process.”