A love letter to my community


To the Editor:

Last night St. Andrew’s Church, in collaboration with First Congregational and Island clergy, sponsored an event to support the volunteers and responders who assisted in the care of forsaken migrants “sent” to Martha’s Vineyard.

Words alone cannot describe the humanitarian value of this event. It is out of a deep and essential love that this pastoral care emerges, but it is even greater than that. Given the opportunity, usually provided by grace itself, we humans know without question what is right and what is wrong; we know the unmistakable, essential truth.

From the moment our guests arrived, and deep into the future, Vineyarders clear of mind and heart will and do rise with passion to meet the great sorrows of life. We are not a unique Island in this way. We are a snapshot view of the greater good everywhere.

I have searched for words all week to describe this passion in my own heart amid so much sadness. Even after many years helping Harbor Homes develop supports for our own homeless population, this challenge has not eased. But this stunning event put together by our churches went a long way to empowering us through witness. I hope everyone felt as deeply loved and awakened as I did. Thank you, Chip and Cathlin, for this exquisite leadership and reminding us of the ‘Blessings of the Burden.’

Marjorie Mason