Tisbury candidate forum scheduled Jan. 9

Four candidates are running for a Tisbury select board vacancy. -George Brennan

The League of Women Voters of Martha’s Vineyard, in conjunction with MVTV, is sponsoring a candidate forum prior to the Tisbury special election for select board. The forum will be broadcast live at 7 pm on Monday, Jan. 9, on MVTV Channel 13, and will be available for streaming later. There also will be a link on the League website: leagueofwomenvotersmv.org. The public is invited to tune in and listen to their local candidates as they present their positions. 

The special election is for one person to complete the term of Larry Gomez, who has resigned for health reasons. There are four candidates: Christina Colarusso, Abbe Burt, Bruce Campbell, and Donald Rose. The special election is scheduled for Jan. 24. On May 9, the seat will be up for election again for a full three-year term.

The League is a nonpartisan political organization that promotes active and informed citizen participation in government, in voting, and in influencing public policy through education and advocacy.