Letter to the Editor:
It is incredible. The Tisbury Master Plan is soliciting ideas and they are virtually all about going around Beach Road. Build new paths, a harbor walk on the sand, make Shared Use Paths for bikes (we already spent 10-plus years debating this stupid idea), commandeering Ernie Boch’s lot (not gonna happen), “solving Five Corners problem” and I quote, and so on.
It is so simple. All we need to do is clean and maintain Beach Road. No sand, no nips, no rocks on the road. All of it easily done by cleaning it every day. The state will pay for it, and it will have the following benefits: According to the radiology department at Mass General, by far the most fractures are caused by cyclists skidding out. A clean and well maintained Beach Road will increase tourism revenue for all tourism businesses in Tisbury. A clean and well maintained Beach Road will help all down-Island commercial interests and generate more taxes to the state and to each town. A well maintained daily cleaning will give confidence to riders and walkers and will eliminate all of the other ideas proposed because it would do it all. Bike traffic is good for businesses like restaurants, coffee shops, and clothing stores. Bikes now can cost $5, $10, $15 thousand dollars and some of these people will end up in galleries buying art.
Frank Brunelle
Vineyard Haven