Tisbury: Road obstacles, ‘The Four Winds,’ Tisbury Master Plan survey, and climate discussion

—MV Times

Heard on Main Street: I don’t know how I got over the hill without getting to the top.

Did you freeze last week, or was everything OK? I was shocked when the SSA emailed that

water pipes burst overnight on both the Martha’s Vineyard and the Nantucket due to the cold weather, and that the Katama has a leak in a hydraulic line, suspected to be due to the cold weather. A friend now in Florida for the winter told me to be sure to turn on a faucet and let a little water run overnight. I never did that before. But I never heard of such damage to the water vessels serving this Island before either. So I did make sure to thank her!

Everyone is complaining. With three big trucks blocking Main Street and some of the side roads, the place is nearly impassable, while only one or two small sections of sidewalk are replaced. And improbable as it seems, only one of the trucks was working when we finally made our way through; the others were just taking up space and blocking other roads.

One of our favorite jewelers has left us, at least for a while. CB Stark is closed here for a total makeover. They have moved into the seasonal store in Edgartown. But they plan to be coming back to town in April. I didn’t look to see whether they have a new sidewalk yet or not.

I just finished a book I wasn’t sure I’d like, but it was remarkable. It’s called “The Four Winds,” The novel starts in the Great Plains in 1921, just after the Great War, and then soon you are in 1936, living in the Dust Bowl. It was a fascinating trip into the past, touching on some parts of history that had been vague to me. I was pleased as the story went on, and that I had read it.

Dan Doyle called to ask that I let you know what’s happening. He is a planner with the Martha’s Vineyard Commission, and is the administrator of the Tisbury Master Plan. Did you take the survey to let them know what you think? Plans will be discussed next week, in two online events, about ways to improve the commercial districts. The dates are Monday, Feb. 13, from 5 to 7 pm, and Thursday, Feb. 16, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. The easiest way to learn more or take the survey is to go to the Master Plan website: tisburymasterplan.com

Did you know that the Tisbury Master Plan Survey is nine pages long? They want to know what you think about every aspect of our town. I think the last question is the most important: “If you had the power to change ONE thing about Tisbury, what would it be?” Make sure they have your ideas by going online, or getting a survey from our library.

Speaking of taking up space: Why do the small parking areas at the hospital, such as those serving several critical medical offices, actually have a huge trash bin blocking one of the handicap places?

What are you doing about climate change? You could join students from the high school and the Charter School, and folks from Felix Neck, for their monthly climate discussion group. Climate action needs to focus on a vision of the future we need. Meet from 10 to 11 am on Sunday, Feb. 12, at Rosewater Café on South Summer Street in Edgartown.

Big bunches of birthday balloon wishes go out tomorrow to James O’Donnell and Jainaba Burton-Sundman. Saturday belongs to Judy Pachico. Happy birthday on Sunday to Simone Davis, Eli Hanschka, and Nat Benjamin. And I don’t like to forget Abe Lincoln. I’m wishing a special day to Fiona Mayhew, my youngest granddaughter, on Monday. Chris Morse parties on Tuesday. Many happy returns wished for Grace Burton-Sundman on Wednesday.

Heard on Main Street: If your New Year’s resolution is already gone, try a new one. It’s not too late. Just try to find one this time that you may be more likely to stick with.

If you have any Tisbury Town Column suggestions, email Kay Mayhew, tashmoorock@gmail.com.