The Great Pond was opened recently, way to the east of the usual cut. It is hoped that the outgoing rush of water in this new spot will scour out more of the sand that has accumulated into mud flats and sand bars at low tide. Mal Jones explained that the natural pattern of the opening is from west to east, a process that occurred and recurred approximately every ninety years. I am grateful to Mal for telling me about the history and geology of pond openings, and I am curious to learn more.
West Tisbury has been blessed to welcome four baby boys this February.
Michael Patrick Gately III is the son of Olivia and Michael Gately. He was born in the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital on February 8. Olivia, who works at our library, and Michael, a sea captain, are both taking time off to be at home with the baby. Grandparents are Michael and Betsy Gately of West Tisbury and John and Sue Larsen of Chilmark. Michael III is the first grandchild on both sides of the family.
Johan Kenneth Koury-Jones was born on Valentine’s Day at the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital, an hour-and-a-half before his mother’s Feb. 15 birthday. Carina said they will be “birthday buddies for life.” She named him Johan, after his maternal grandfather, and Kenneth for his paternal grandfather and great-grandfather. His grandparents are Carol Koury and Mal Jones.
Grayson Michael O’Keefe was born on Feb. 18, to Genevieve and Brian O’Keefe. He was born at Boston Medical Center, where his mother is a nurse in the Mother and Baby Unit. Genevieve’s parents, Suzanne and Rich Hammond, and Kathy and Michael O’Keefe are Grayson’s over the moon grandparents.
Syrus Howard Wallcox, the son and second child of Hilary and Brian Wallcox, was born on Feb. 21 at the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital. Syrus arrived in time to be the perfect birthday present for his grandmother, Diane Wall, whose birthday is the 24th. He is settling in at home with his parents and big sister, Skyler.
Although no longer a newborn, Ernest Lipsky, age nine months, was in town last week visiting his grandmother, Kanta Lipsky. His parents are Adam Lipsky and Alisa Javits. They live on Sugarshack Farm in New Paltz, New York, where they grow gourmet and medicinal mushrooms. They had just finished tapping their maple trees before coming to the Vineyard. Kanta reported that she and Ernest had lots of fun together, and enjoyed sharing the last of the farm’s 2022 maple syrup.
I saw Kanta at Suzy Wasserman’s house on Sunday afternoon. A group of us were there because our friend, Joanne Scott, was visiting from her current mainland home. For many years, Joanne hosted us at monthly tea parties during the winter months. We all squeezed into her tiny living room for tea and cake served on Joanne’s mother’s turquoise-rimmed china. It all felt very special, and it was. We celebrated Marie-Louise Rouff’s birthday in January, Suzy Wasserman’s in February, and everyone else’s in March. It was really an excuse to get together and to eat cake.
Suzy’s comfortable living room was filled with old friends, and we had a lovely view of falling snow outside her windows. Attending were Joanne Scott and her granddaughter, Bianca Stafford, Kanta Lipsky, Nancy Cramer, Leslie Baker, Marie-Louise Rouff, Sue Hruby, Karen Gerlach, Suzy Wasserman, and me.
I wrote about planning to see “Chicago” last weekend, but not about attending the actual event. Walking into the lobby, I noticed Linda and Laura Hearn right in front of me. Linda said, “Look who else is here,” so I turned around to see Susan Collins and her daughter, Emily Smith. We all sat together and enjoyed the play that was so beyond fantastic. We could have been on Broadway. Linda had told me that Susan and her husband, Tim, were coming from Rockport for the week, but she didn’t mention that Emily was coming, too. Best of all, Emily brought her baby daughter, Rayna. Linda had told me how dear Rayna was. After their week together, she said she is totally smitten.
Ginny Jones has recently traveled to Port Townsend, Washington, to visit her son, Douglas Jones. Her grandson, Everett Healy, served as escort to his grandmother for both her westward journey and her return home. Everett has been living in Port Townsend, working with his uncle and Robert D’Arcy at their D’Arcy Boat Building business. Currently, Everett is working on a set of spars for Tally Ho, a 48-foot cutter built in the early 1900s.
Congratulations to Rick Karney, recipient of “The Golden Oyster” award by the Massachusetts Aquaculture Association, “in recognition of your invaluable, innumerable, and measurable contributions to the Science, Business and Art of Shellfish Aquaculture in Massachusetts and Beyond.
Special programs at the West Tisbury library this week include a live concert by Music Street Musicians this Saturday afternoon, March 3, at 4 pm. On Sunday at 2 pm, Fan Ogilvie and Paige Taylor will be featured at an artist’s reception. Their show, “Taking Shape in Space,” will be on display in the Program Room through the month of March. The first “Microscope Monday,” a program with naturalist Elliott Bennett, will meet on Monday, March 6, at 3:30 pm.
Sue Hruby, Nicola Blake, and Amelia Smith are starting a “Climate Book Club” at the library. The first meeting is scheduled for March 19 at 2 pm. Sign up at to register and get a copy of the book “Saving Us: A Climate Scientist’s Case For Hope and Healing in a Divided World.”
Mary Holmes will present “Dementia Friends” at the Howes House at 2 pm on Wednesday, March 8. The program gives an overview of different types of dementia with recommendations about how to help people with dementia continue to live comfortably in their communities.
The March meeting of The Neighborhood Convention will be Tuesday, March 7, 11 am, at St. Augustine’s Hall in Vineyard Haven. Susie Wallo of the MV Garden Club will be the speaker.
There’s nothing sillier than a golden retriever frolicking in the snow. Hope we get a really good snowfall for Abby and all West Tisbury dogs.
If you have any West Tisbury Town Column suggestions, email Hermine Hull,