Up-Island updates school choice lottery

The Up-Island Regional School Committee amended the lottery system for school choice enrollment at the Chilmark School. — MV Times

The Up-Island Regional School Committee voted 4-1 Monday night to amend the lottery system for school choice enrollment at the Chilmark School, effectively making it easier for children of school faculty and staff to get selected for the small public school.

Children of teachers and staff at the school, alongside siblings of currently enrolled students, will be given priority in the first round of the Chilmark School lottery, similar to the West Tisbury School. That’s if there are available spots, and it’s at the discretion of the school’s principal, Susan Stevens. 

“It’s good for morale all the way around,” committee member Roxanne Ackerman said of the amendment. 

School officials say that the up-Island schools typically net 40 to 50 students through school choice from down-Island towns. And that’s with limited space at the Chilmark and West Tisbury schools.

Committee member Skipper Manter was the sole “nay” vote during Monday evening’s vote. 

“I understand the importance of it and the benefit to the teachers or staff, but there’s a cost to this,” Manter said, pointing out the extra costs taxpayers already pay to cover students who use school choice to attend the Chilmark School from other towns. “We accept way too many school choice kids at additional cost, and we should probably not let any more in than we send out.” 

“Even though it’s a nice thing to offer,” Manter added, “it doesn’t go without an increase. Taxpayers have to pay for the additional expense of the school choice students. I’m just concerned, that’s all.” 

According to the Massachusetts Department of Education, there are about 70 students currently enrolled in the K-5 Chilmark School.

Committee member Robert Lionette also pointed out that the committee is always presented with school choice student numbers. “Should the committee feel uncomfortable with the direction, there is an opportunity for us to comment on that,” he said.