Didn’t get around to spring cleaning? No worries. You’ve got another chance to donate Aunt Bertha’s costume jewelry, the clothes you’re still holding onto from 1985 (Let go. They’re not coming back in style), and your partner’s bowling shirts, to the Vineyard Haven library’s first annual Friends of the Library Jewelry and Accessories Sale. All proceeds go to support library services for the community. Simply drop off items at the library’s main desk during regular library hours, June 1 through 9. Donations of women’s and men’s jewelry are welcome, from fine to costume to vintage, along with new or gently used scarves, belts, and purses (no hats, please). Please secure small items in a sealed plastic bag, and include a note for anything of significant value. Your contribution is tax-deductible. Donation receipts are available by request. The sale will take place at the library on Saturday, June 10, from 10 am to 3 pm. For questions, email amcdonough@clamsnet.org or call 508-696-4211.