To the Editor:
A team of activists for banning assault weapons and demanding gun regulation worked a miracle on July 8. Supporters from all over the Island arrived every minute from 9 am to 4 pm to buy old and new art and jewelry at affordable cost. A substantial amount of money through the sales went to the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, to partner with them for their tireless efforts to keep people from dying every minute, every hour of the day.
Nancy Hall, the owner of the handsome and venerable Howland Barn, deserves praise for her generosity and patience. Those of us who organized and saw this project grow from ideas to fruition have taken copious notes on how to keep this vital support persistent and demanding, thank all of those Islanders who donated art and jewelry, their time, and their money to this everyday cause.
To the Tisbury Police who kept us safe on Spring Street, we honor their service. Those of us in our older years hope for young blood to propel us forward, because the USA needs to show compassion and commitment to the children and women and men who are victims of gunfire, defying the NRA that promotes more and more gun sales. We are betting that every child asked what is their most fervent wish for this country would say, “Peace.”
Liza Coogan
Vineyard Haven