Edgartown: Antique and Flea Market, M.V. Center for Living, and Sunset Concert

—MV Times

I usually try to start my column by Friday or Saturday so that I can just finish it up on Sunday or Monday. I don’t know where my brain was this week, though. Here it is Monday, and I’m just getting started. I guess my new work schedule is confusing me. Hopefully I’ll get this in before the deadline. If you’re reading this, I made it!

Happy birthday wishes go out this week to Nicole Barlett on July 22, Donna Swift on July 23, Jacob Cardoza on July 25, and Caleb Enos on July 27.

Have you been to the flea market at the Grange Hall on Fridays? I haven’t, but now that I’ve read about the Vineyard Antique and Flea Market, I want to go. It is held Fridays from 9 am until 3 pm. What fun!

The M.V. Center for Living offers an Open House on Fridays from 10 to 11 am. The Center for Living offers programming to improve the quality of life for those impacted by aging or impairment. This is a perfect time to sample their programs, and learn more about what they offer. They are located at 29 Breakdown Lane in Vineyard Haven.

The M.V. Family Center has “Lunch with a Librarian” on Fridays from 10:30 am to noon. Emily LaPierre is there for an outdoor storytime for kids ages 1 to 8. Drop-ins are welcome

This week’s “Sunset Concert at the Tabernacle” features Annie and the Fur Trappers. The concert is Friday evening, July 28, from 6 to 7:30 pm. Bring your chairs, blankets, and a picnic, but please leave your dog at home, as they are not allowed in the park. A free-will offering is greatly appreciated.

The Friends of the West Tisbury Library Book Sale is at the West Tisbury School from Thursday, July 27, through Monday, July 31, from 9 am to 3 pm. This is their 63rd summer book sale! What a fun way to get your reading material.

The 40th Anniversary WMVY Benefit Concert, part of the M.V. Concert Series, is on Saturday, July 29, at 8 pm, and features Nickel Creek, a Grammy-winning, Americana bluegrass trio. Your ticket purchase helps support MVY Radio programming, and celebrates their 40th anniversary. You can purchase tickets at bit.ly/TM_NickelCreek.

Quiet news week. It actually probably isn’t that it’s so quiet, but rather that everyone is too busy to share news during these hectic summer days. But my readers have shared quite a bit recently how much they like to hear your stories, tales, and adventures, so be sure to share them with me if you can. My email address is ggardnermv@gmail.com.

That’s about it. Looks like some decent beach weather is on the horizon for the next week or so. I hope you all get a chance to enjoy it. Have a wonderful week.

If you have any Edgartown Town Column suggestions, email Gail Gardner, ggardnermv@gmail.com.