Renowned comedian and activist Amy Schumer, alongside celebrated documentary producer Dawn Porter, collaborated to co-host an event by the National Institute for Reproductive Health and NIRH Action Fund at Lambert’s Cove Inn Monday, to advance the cause of reproductive rights.
The focal point of their gathering was an interview with Andrea Miller, who, as president of the National Institute for Reproductive Health (NIRH) and its Action Fund, is a prominent figure in the reproductive rights landscape.
Dawn Porter, a documentary producer, peppered Miller with questions, while Shumer inserted her remarks — with a few pointed and funny asides — during an hourlong discussion that focused on ways to take a proactive approach to enacting legislation safeguarding reproductive freedom.
Participants at the event say the conversation created hope and optimism for those who are concerned about reproductive rights.
It’s great to see financial support for pregnant women and their newborns. While the national Medicare For All campaign never panned out, we still have groups of people who are dedicated to supporting women during their reproductive years.
Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness requires shelter, sustenance, clothing, health care, and education.
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