Halloween in Oak Bluffs will be celebrated this year mainly on Saturday, Oct. 28, from 1 to 4 pm, with a rain date for the following day.
The Oak Bluffs School pumpkin display will be on view in Healey Square during the events of the day, along with some scarecrows sponsored by the Friends of Oak Bluffs and the Oak Bluffs Association, through the M.V. Charter School scarecrow fundraiser program.
The celebration of candy and costumes will be preceded by a “Zombie Crawl” for adults on Thursday, Oct. 26, at 7 pm, starting in Post Office Square, and organized by Angelina Topalieva, better known as AnicaBanica Photography. Zombies will be stopping at restaurants and bars starting with Sharky’s, to bring more people to local businesses. Makeup and costumes are a must.
Halloween in O.B. celebration this year will start at Island Outfitters, from 12 to 2 pm, by registering for a costume contest. All ages are welcome, and prizes will be awarded. At 2 pm, a costume parade will begin in front of the Island Theater and walk down Circuit Ave. sidewalks for all businesses and shoppers to see.
At 2:30 the costume contest at Post Office Square will be judged, and trophies awarded for Best Costume, Best Group, Cutest, Funniest, Most Original, and Scariest.
Ongoing from 1 to 4 pm, Dockside Inn will host a great activity, mini pumpkin decorating on the front porch. It’s free and open to all children.
For all candy lovers, to sweeten the event, Enchanted Chocolates will have an Open House on Chapman Avenue, from 1 to 4 pm on Saturday.
For those wanting other fun things to do, there will be free movies at the Strand Theater. At 3 pm, it’s “E.T.,” and at 7 pm, the 1931 classic “Frankenstein,” thanks to the generosity of Steven Capers.
Lastly and but not least, the OBA, with Kathleen Cowley, is bringing back the Extraordinary Rendition Band from 7 to 8 pm on Saturday, Oct. 28.
To donate, please go to obamv.com or a Go-Fund-Me page on Facebook @visitoakbluffs online to help pay for band expenses and hotel. If you have lodging to donate for the band, please let the OBA know. The ERB Marching Band will play at 12 noon on Sunday, Oct. 29, in case of rain on Saturday night.