Heard on Main Street: Remember, “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.”
Don’t forget: A local family is holding a book sale to benefit our Vineyard Haven library from 9 am to 3 pm on Saturday, Nov. 25, at 11 Pine Tree Lane. Just after Thanksgiving. All proceeds go to our library building fund. No book donations needed at the sale.
I hope you found your turkey on my street. Then we can all celebrate.
The M.V. Film Society welcomes you to enjoy a Thanksgiving Recovery Show with live standup comedy. The evening of laughs begins at 7:30 pm on Saturday, Nov. 25. The show includes Chris Zito, Marty Nadler, and Gary Marino.
Be thankful for your blessings, and enjoy the family at Thanksgiving.
Big bunches of birthday balloon wishes go to Greg Coogan on Thursday. Happy birthday to Chris Chandler on Sunday. Many happy returns to Barb Peckham, out in Omaha.
Heard on Main Street: Some days, you’re the dog; some days you’re the lamppost.