It’s been a long week. It takes a long time to get someone to Australia, especially when they detour in San Diego for a couple of days. I’ve been a very worried mother for the better part of the week as Amelia makes her way to where she’s going in Australia. As I write this, she’s in Sydney, but still has one more trip to make before she gets to her destination. I don’t deal well with my children being far away.
Have you been to Stop & Shop since it opened the new section? We stopped in the other day just to pick up a couple of things, and ended up wandering around the new section and admiring everything that they have. And saying hello to seemingly everybody from the Island, because it seemed like everyone was there checking out the new place. It looks beautiful. I hope it stays as nicely stocked as it is right now.
I can’t believe Thanksgiving is so close on the horizon. What’s everyone doing for the holiday this year? Be sure to share your stories with us here. People love to read about your adventures.
I heard my first Christmas carol the other day. I changed the radio station. I wasn’t quite ready for that. But as soon as Thanksgiving is over, I’m all about decorating and getting ready for Christmas. But right now, it’s just a little too soon for me.
Happy birthday wishes go out this week to Meaghan Morris on Nov. 14, Caitlin Nichols on Nov. 17, and Myllenna DeOliveira on Nov. 19.
The M.V. Family Center will be the host of “Positive Discipline for Preschoolers” on Friday, Nov. 17, from 9:30 to 11 am. This free program is for parents with preschool-age children. Learn methods to raise a responsible, respectful, and resourceful child. Child watch is available. Preregistration is required. Email or call 508-687-9182.
Beach Be-Frienders will be cleaning up Cedar Tree Neck on Nov. 18, from 9 to 11 am. They’ve got the trash bags and the gloves. You supply the manpower. You can also pick up supplies at your local library, and choose another beach to clean up on a day that works better for you.
There is a Hoisting 2A/1C License Prep class on Saturday, Nov. 18, from 9 am to 3 pm, courtesy of ACE MV. The class will take place at the Vineyard Transit Authority, and the fee is $285. Email, or call 508-693-9222 for more information.
I recently saw on Facebook someone wondering where they can donate books. If you, too, are wondering, the Oak Bluffs library will take books in good to excellent condition on Saturday, Nov. 18, between 10 am and 1 pm. They cannot accept encyclopedias, dictionaries, textbooks, Bibles, or most religious books. They also no longer take DVDs, CDs, or VHS tapes. Reference, technical, medical, or travel books must be published within the past three years.
Saturday is a busy day! If the above events aren’t up your alley, perhaps you’ll want to go to the Vineyard Montessori School’s 10th annual Truckin’ MV, from 10 am to 1 pm, at the M.V. Regional High School parking lot. Truckin’ MV encourages children of all ages to interact with and meet the “truckers” that drive some of the coolest vehicles on Martha’s Vineyard. Police cruisers, fire trucks, dump trucks, container trucks, excavators, and many more types of vehicles will be on display.
The Martha’s Vineyard Chamber Music Society is holding a concert at the Edgartown library on Sunday, Nov. 19, at 4 pm, featuring New England Conservatory ensemble Trio Gaia, with violinist Grant Houston, cellist Yi-Mei Templeman, and pianist Andrew Barnwell. This program has been generously funded by the Friends of the Edgartown Library and the Martha’s Vineyard Chamber Music Society. No registration required.
That’s about all I’ve got for news this week. Please feel free to share events and news with me. I’m more than happy to share with the readers. With the holidays approaching, I’m sure there are some wonderful events being planned.
As I wrap this up, it is Sunday, Nov. 12, with my birthday tomorrow. Amelia, being half a world away, just texted to let me know that it is the 13th where she is, so she was the first to wish me a happy birthday. That’s a first for me. Weird to think that she is a whole day different from us. That will take some getting used to.
Have a great week.