Edgartown: Dickens Village, Misty Meadows, Artisans Festival, Featherstone, and concert series

—MV Times

Thanksgiving is here. As I write this, we still haven’t made any plans. We’ll probably make a turkey and some sides, and have a small dinner, mainly so we can have leftovers. Who doesn’t love Thanksgiving leftovers? We’ll eat for a couple of days, and then maybe I’ll make a turkey soup like my mom used to make. Yum.

Happy birthday wishes go out this week to Michelle Oteri on Nov. 21, Heather Hunt and Donna Enos on Nov. 22, and Kim Andrade on Nov. 23.

There will be a Dickens Christmas Village display at the Carnegie Building this holiday season. It looks to be open Tuesday through Saturday, from 10 am to 4 pm. Sounds like it’s worth a look, with lots of items on display and moving parts.

Misty Meadows’ annual Open House is on Friday, Nov. 24, from 10 am to noon. Get a tour, see demonstrations, enjoy hands-on horse opportunities, kids’ activities, a celebration of Noble’s recent recognition as PATH’s International Equine of the Year, plus much more.

There will be a Vineyard Artisans Festival on Friday and Saturday at the Ag Hall, from 10 am to 4 pm. What a great way to support local artisans and get a jump-start on some of that holiday shopping. Plus it’s always a great place to see friends and catch up with other Island folks.

Gatchell’s holiday light display will be lit up from 5 to 8 pm evenings, starting on Nov. 23 on County Road. You are welcome to park your car and get out and walk around. You can also bring nonperishable food items, or a monetary donation for the Island Food Pantry.

On Saturday, Nov. 25, from 11 am to 3 pm, there will be a Chappy Ferry Gear Pop-Up Shop. The shop will be selling Chappy Ferry T shirts and sweatshirts. This gear is only available at the pop-up store, at Memorial Wharf on Edgartown.

Featherstone’s annual Holiday Gift Show is also happening. It’s open daily, except for Thanksgiving Day, from noon to 4 pm, for your holiday shopping enjoyment.

On Saturday, Nov. 25, you can enjoy Johnny Hoy and the Bluefish at the Edgartown library’s Sounds of Autumn Concert Series. They will play from 6:30 to 7:30 pm.

The next Edgartown School PTA meeting will be at 5:30 pm on Nov. 28, at Allied Insurance in Nevin Square. If you are an Edgartown School parent, the PTA is a great way to get involved with the school.

The Beach Be-Frienders have rescheduled the Cedar Tree Neck cleanup to Nov. 25, from 9 am to 11 am. They have supplies. They just need volunteers. Parking will be at the lot at the end of Obed Daggett Road. They recommend appropriate hiking footwear (closed-toe shoes or boots). The main beach is about a quarter-mile walk from the parking lot.

That does it for this week. Happy Thanksgiving to one and all. The busiest time of travel for the year, as I recall. To those of you who are coming or going, I wish you all safe travels. Have a great week, and enjoy some time with family and friends.

If you have any Edgartown Town Column suggestions, email Gail Gardner, ggardnermv@gmail.com.