Religious services for the holidays



Community Baptist Church of Gay Head

Visit or call 508-693-1539.

Christmas Eve
Worship, hymn singing, scripture lessons, and prayer, 6:30 pm.



Chilmark Community Church

Visit or call 508-645-3100.

Christmas Eve
Service, plus lessons, carols, candle lighting, and special musical guests. 5 pm.

New Year’s Eve
Worship and New’s Year’s Eve reflection via Zoom. 9 am.



Faith Community Church

Visit or call 508-627-8918.

Christmas Eve
Candlelight service, 5 pm.


Federated Church of M.V.

Visit or call 508-627-4421.

Saturday, Dec. 9
Plum Hill School Elves Fair, Parish House, 8 am to 5 pm: Activities, arts and crafts, games for young children, and food for sale for adults and kids. Benefits the Plum Hill School.

Saturday, Dec. 9, and Sunday, Dec. 10
No Room at the Inn: Crèche display and fundraiser in the Meetinghouse to benefit Habitat For Humanity. Dec. 9, 12 to 4 pm. Dec. 10, 11 am to 2 pm.

Sundays in December
Advent Worship Service in the Meetinghouse, 10 am.

Sunday, Dec. 17
Christmas at Sea, 7 to 9 pm: Music and fellowship led by Mark Lovewell and Molly Conole, in the Meetinghouse.

Christmas Eve
Family service in the Meetinghouse, including a children’s story, extra Christmas carols, and refreshments in the Parish House, 10 am.
Candlelight service in the Meetinghouse, with lessons and carols, 5 pm.


St. Andrew’s Church

Visit or call 508-627-5330.

Saturday, Dec. 9
St. Andrew’s Christmas in Edgartown Open House and Carol Sing from 11 am to 2 pm. Head on over to St Andrew’s after taking in the Christmas Parade down Main Street for their famous hot chocolate, Christmas cookies, and meatball grinders. Everything’s free and easy, so bring your family and friends. Organist Charles Rus will lead a Christmas carol and hymn sing-along at noon.

Sundays, Dec. 10 and 17
Free breakfast/brunch buffet to anyone who’d like to come by as the congregation celebrates and gets ready for Christmas, 9 am.

Saturday, Dec. 20
Christmas cookie baking with Island teens at Alex’s Place at the YMCA. Share the joy of working together. Pizza and music too. 3 to 5 pm.

Christmas Eve
Fourth Sunday of Advent service with music. 9 am.
Family Christmas Service with music, 4 pm.
Choral Christmas Service, 9:45 pm.

Christmas Day
Quiet, reflective, and joyous service, 9 am.


Oak Bluffs

United Methodist Church

Visit or call 508-693-4424.

Christmas Eve
Service for the Fourth Sunday in Advent, 10 am.
Service of Lessons and Carols, 7 pm.


Vineyard Haven

Beacon of Hope

Visit or call 774-310-3343.

Friday, Dec. 8
The Christmas Choir will sing at Christmas in Edgartown at 5:30 pm, as well as other times and locations around the Island in December.

Christmas Eve
Worship with the First Baptist Church of Vineyard Haven, 6 pm.

New Year’s Eve
Praise and Worship at 90 Oyster Pond Road in Edgartown, 7 to 9 pm.


First Baptist Church

Call 508-693-1539.

Saturday, Dec. 9
Living Nativity in front of the church, and refreshments at the Parish House, 6 to 8 pm.

Saturday, Dec. 16
Christmas Tea at the Parish House, 1 to 3 pm.

Christmas Eve
Joint Christmas Eve Service in English and Portuguese, 6:30 pm.

Christmas Day
Worship, 10:30 am.


M.V. Hebrew Center

Visit or call 508-693-0745.

Friday, Dec. 8, 5:30 to 7:30 pm
Menorahs, Music, and a Miracle led by Rabbi Caryn Broitman with music by Eric Johnson and Anthony Esposito. There will be a children’s Hanukkah play, latkes, and dinner catered by Chef Ting. Bring your menorahs to light. All are welcome, but rsvp is required. Call 508-693-0745.

Sunday, Dec. 10, 4 to 5:30 pm
Hanukkah and All That Jazz with music by Jeremy Berlin and Eric Johnson, candle lighting, wine, and latkes. Hot chocolate, cider, and treats for the children. Bring your menorahs for the menorah lighting at 4:30 pm. All are welcome.


Unitarian Universalist Society

Visit or call 508-693-8982.

Sunday, Dec. 10
Candlelight Service at Stevens Chapel, live and online via Zoom, 6 pm.


Vineyard Assembly of God

Visit or call 508-696-7576.

Sunday, Dec. 10
Service at 10:30 am, followed by a Holiday Banquet at 12:30 pm.

Christmas Eve
Service at 10:30 am. Carols and Candlelight service at 7 pm.


West Tisbury

First Congregational Church of West Tisbury

Visit or call 508-693-2842.

Saturday, Dec. 9
Christmas Faire, 9:30 am to 2:30 pm

Sunday, Dec. 10
Celebrating the Second Sunday in Advent, 10 am

Wednesday, Dec. 13
Advent Evensong, 5:30 pm

Sunday, Dec. 17
Celebrating the Third Sunday in Advent, 10 am

Wednesday, Dec. 20
Advent Evensong, 5:30 pm

Christmas Eve
Celebrating Fourth Sunday in Advent, 10 am
Christmas Pageant at the Ag Hall, 5 pm

New Year’s Eve
First Sunday After Christmas, 10 am