Nov. 30
William S. Sanfilippo, Oak Bluffs; 59, violating an abuse prevention order, upon hearing bail set at $2,000 cash and $20,000 surety, and further conditions to stay away from the alleged victim’s residence, GPS monitoring with 7 pm to 6 am curfew with no phone access, and to provide home address to probation.
Dec. 4
Leila D. Carvalho, Oak Bluffs; 38, marked lanes violation, unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, using an electronic device while operating a motor vehicle: continued to pretrial hearing.
Leila D. Carvalho, Oak Bluffs; 38, unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, negligent operation of a motor vehicle: continued to pretrial hearing.
Josias F. Pinto, Edgartown; 60, unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, fail to stop/yield: to be immediately dismissed upon payment of court costs.
Dec. 8
Leandro M. Depaula, Edgartown; 34, unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, speeding: to be immediately dismissed upon payment of court costs.
Brandau Geraldo A. Caldeira, Vineyard Haven; 36, unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, marked lanes violation: to be immediately dismissed upon payment of court costs.
Diego M. Ferreira, Edgartown; 30, to be dismissed immediately upon payment of court costs.
Rafael R. Dossantos, Vineyard Haven; 31, uninsured motor vehicle: to be dismissed immediately upon payment of court costs.
Elvis G. Pereira, Vineyard Haven; 28, reckless operation of a motor vehicle, marked lanes violation, two counts of child under 8 years and under 58 inches without a car seat: continued to pretrial hearing.
Elvis G. Pereira, Vineyard Haven; 28, failure to slow, unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle: continued to pretrial hearing
Dec. 11
Laurenzo S. Diaz, Oak Bluffs; 24, operating a motor vehicle with a suspended license, unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, no inspection sticker: continued to pretrial hearing.
Rosario Buchert, Vineyard Haven; 53, negligent operation of a motor vehicle, two counts unsafe operation of a motor vehicle: continued to pretrial hearing.