Well, we finally got our winter storm. Much as I don’t like snow, it does look pretty out the back windows. And I went outside the other night, and the trees had all this frozen snow and ice on them, and when the wind blew, they made a beautiful noise. Everything else had that quiet peacefulness that seems to come with snowstorms, and all I could hear was the tapping of the icy branches blowing in the wind. And of course the kids were sledding on any hill available, which is always fun to see. You can just see the joy in them as they slide and then run back up the hill for their next run. It brings back happy memories of my childhood and my kids’ childhood. Beauty is indeed where we look for it.
Happy birthday wishes go out this week to Benjamin Davey on Feb. 20, Mary Carroll Goodsir on Feb. 21, and Justine DeOliveira and Jonathan Polleys on Feb. 23.
Remember school vacation is next week, the week that the Island goes from quiet to quieter as folks travel to enjoy some rest and relaxation for the week. Remember that you may see more kids out and about, so drive carefully. And be sure to share your vacation stories with us here by emailing me at ggardnermv@gmail.com.
The M.V. Family Center hosts Open Center every Thursday this winter, from 2 to 3:30 pm. So if you’ve got a little one and are looking to get out, this is a great opportunity. We made so many friends at the Family Center when our kids were little. The Swap Shop and the Food Pantry will be open for walk-ins during that time as well.
The “Teen and Tween Poetry Workshop” with Claudia Taylor continues on Feb. 22, from 3 to 4 pm at the Edgartown library. Kids from 11 to 19 are invited to participate in the workshop with Ms. Taylor, library programs coordinator and poet. This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Edgartown Public Library. Click the website link to register. Registration is available by clicking on the website, edgartownlibrary.org.
Bodhi Path of M.V. has group meditation on Sundays, 10 to 11 am, and Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6 to 7 pm. If you are new to meditation, you’re welcome to come 15 minutes early for an introduction. Sessions are available both in person at Bodhi Path in West Tisbury and online via Zoom. Click bodhipath.org for more information.
“Big Little Muscles with Abbey” continues at the Edgartown library on Fridays from 10:30 to 11:30 am. Led by Abbey Entner in the Children’s Room, it starts with opening stretches and movement, then open play with tumble toys and music. Geared toward ages 1.5 to 4, but all are welcome.
The M.V. Family Center is offering Story Walk at the FARM Institute on Feb. 24 at 10:30 am. Join them for an outdoor story walk around the farm, and meet the animals. Bundle up and enjoy the fun with the whole family.
On Feb. 24 from 6:30 to 7:30 pm, the Edgartown library offers “One Piano, Four Hands: Concert with Molly Sturges and Lisa Weiss.” In this debut duet, pianists Molly Sturges and Lisa Weiss will perform side by side on the Mason & Hamlin piano in the library’s program room. Their concert will feature works by Mozart, Fauré, Dello Joio, and Schubert written especially for four-hand piano performances. Light refreshments will be served. This event is free.
“Hula Flow for Seniors” with Shanta Gabriel is available on Mondays from 3 to 4 pm at the Edgartown Federated Church. Hula is a dance form usually done barefoot, using hands and feet moving in a rhythmic manner to Hawaiian music. This form of movement increases your strength, flexibility, and gracefulness. For details, contact Shanta Gabriel at shantagabriel@gmail.com or 530-925-5091.
Felix Neck is holding its Winter Vacation Program Feb. 27 through March 1 from 10 am to 2 pm. Join them for winter fun and exploration during winter vacation week. You can go for one day or all four. Suitable for children in kindergarten to grade 5. Registration required; $80 per person for members, and $90 per person for nonmembers per day. Financial aid available thanks to Friends of Sengekontacket. For more information, contact felixneck@massaudubon.org or 508-627-4850.
Beach BeFrienders are still active in cleaning up our beaches. Want to help? The next cleanup is scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 24, from 2 to 6 pm at either Owen Park or Tashmoo Opening. You can even stay after the fact for the full moon that evening. They will have supplies. You bring the labor.
The Martha’s Vineyard Museum is pleased to share information about its exhibition “C.F. Giordano: Clearly Misunderstood,” set to captivate visitors in the Waggaman Community Gallery to May 5, 2024. This distinctive showcase explores the intersection of creativity, mechanical mastery, and personal journey through the lens of artist Charlie Giordano and his remarkable creation, the motorcycle dubbed “Voodoo Doll.” The museum is excited to offer a series of programs designed to dive deeper into the themes of “Clearly Misunderstood,” including a behind-the-scenes style talk with Charlie Giordano on Feb. 22 to provide insight into the creative process behind “Voodoo Doll.” On Mar. 28, it will be hosting “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Building,” a hands-on workshop that bridges the gap between art and mechanics. Contact the museum for details and times at 508-627-4441.
That’s it for this week. Feel free to share information about your vacation travels or business offerings or family milestones with me here anytime at ggardnermv@gmail.com. Readers really love to read your stories. Until then, have a great week.
If you have any Edgartown Town Column suggestions, email Gail Gardner, ggardnermv@gmail.com.