Garden Gate Art Show at Featherstone

Cow image featured in the exhibit by Jack Yuen, former student at Garden Gate.

Garden Gate Child Development Center aims to “fully support the development of each child and to ensure their successes as both students and citizens of our community”, according to their mission statement on their website. They take an innovative approach to early education by using the arts as a means of creative communication and problem solving. This year marks they celebrate their 25th year of serving the community. 

On Saturday, June 2nd from 4pm to 6pm, the Francine Kelly Gallery at Featherstone will host an opening celebration for the exhibit “The 100 Languages of Children: Celebrating Creativity and Community”. The exhibit features artwork of Garden Gate students, alumni, and other Island youth. Work can include paintings, drawings, sculpture, pottery, handicrafts, textiles, glasswork, jewelry, and much more. 

Garden Gate hopes to highlight the diversity and creativity of the artists featured as well as give them the opportunity to bring their art into a public space with interested buyers. 

The exhibit will run from June 2nd to June 16th and is open to the public. Read more about Garden Gate here.