Water never tasted so good

Vineyard House’s Water Tasting by the Sea helps keep the recovery residence afloat.


“Twenty-seven years ago, Vineyard House began as a grassroots initiative,” Jennifer Vogel, LICSW and executive director of Vineyard House, said. “A group of Islanders saw people go off-Island for recovery and come back to the same environment they were using in.” 

Founded in 1997, Vineyard House (VH) provides a structured living environment for people working through recovery from alcohol and drug addiction. A caring community member saw the need for a safe living space for Islanders in early stages of recovery, and donated a house. This became the first men’s house. Due to donations from the Island community and families whose loved ones had directly benefited from Vineyard House, a second house was purchased, and was designed specifically for women. In 2014, VH moved into a new recovery community space. 

The new Vineyard House is designed for group living, including private and semiprivate bedrooms, fully equipped kitchens, laundry facilities, and common areas. An administration building and 12-step meeting rooms were also built to provide support to residents while renewing responsibilities to themselves, their families, and the community. The newly built campus is celebrating its 10-year anniversary.

“Our campus can accommodate up to 18 men and six women in separate houses,” Vogel said. “Vineyard House continues today mostly through the hard work of volunteers in both running the residential program and in raising funds to support the program.”
There are several requirements residents must meet in order to live on campus. “Residents pay rent to live in a supportive environment, and are expected to work full-time, attend 90 meetings in 90 days, contribute to their community, and then they have to attend four to five meetings a week after that. They are also randomly screened for drugs and alcohol,” Vogel said.

The old saying “it takes a village” rings true at VH. Aside from committed employees and volunteers, a myriad of other Island organizations partner with them. “Island Counseling Center works very closely with us to help the residents get support,” Vogel said. “Island Wide Youth Collaborative is also very helpful. They provide wraparound support services. Since we’re a residence, not a clinic, to have other agencies work with us is a great cushion and support for our residents.”

One of the other ways VH receives support is through much-needed donations. “Every donation counts,” Vogel said. “It makes a direct impact on the lives of those fighting to regain their footing.”

A creative way VH raises funds is through its popular annual Water Tasting by the Sea fundraiser. This year will be VH’s 27th annual Water Tasting event, and will be held on the Clemmey estate on Edgartown Harbor. Attendees will be able to enjoy a magnificent view, sample still and sparkling waters, and indulge in a delicious buffet.

“This is the primary fundraising event for us. The community gathers to support those in early stages of recovery, and those who are continuing to be successful. It’s a kinship event,” Vogel said. “One of the iconic things about this event is the Island Raw Bar.” Mad Martha’s Ice cream will also be present, and there will be a raffle and auction items as well. “This year we have premium Red Sox and golf packages across the Island. We’re sponsored by Spindrift seltzer waters, and we’ll have still water as well. Michael and Karen Clemmey are our amazing hosts, and Karen will be creating a mocktail for the event this year.”

Beside Spindrift, there are other sponsors stepping up and contributing to the event. “Our Gold sponsors include Martha’s Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation, Roger Armstrong, CPA, Rockland Trust Bank, CB Stark Jewelers and D. Best Construction.

Funds raised at the Water Tasting event go toward the general costs of keeping VH afloat, including campus upkeep, care packages, bedding, quits, bathroom necessities, cleaning supplies, and more. “We keep the rent very low, to help keep the residents on track, and so they’re able to save money to pay back debts they may come in with,” Vogel said.
Throughout VH’s history, its importance to the Island community’s well-being has been demonstrated by the support they’ve received from several segments of the community. That support, as well as the hard work put in by employees, volunteers, and the residents is paying off.

“Right now, 40 percent of our residents have been here for more than a year. Which is remarkable, and 34 percent are well over the six-month mark,” Vogel said. “Many of the graduates are now professionals working around the Island — accountants, laborers — one of whom just got his contractor license, and another one who got his CDL license. It’s great to see residents out in the community giving back and reuniting with their families. On the weekends, you can see the kids running around the campus with the family members here. It’s wonderful to see.” 

Water Tasting by the Sea: July 25, from 5:30 to 8 pm at the Clemmey estate on Edgartown Harbor. To secure tickets for the Water Tasting by the Sea event, visit vineyardhouse.org/water-tasting. To learn more about Vineyard House, visit its website, vineyardhouse.org, call 508-693-8580, or email vineyardhouse@vineyard.net.