Updated July 24.
Vice President Kamala Harris’ husband, Doug Emhoff, is now set to come to the Vineyard on July 29 for the campaign fundraiser event. As reported by the New York Times, Emhoff will replace First Lady Jill Biden who was previously announced to attend.
The event will still feature David Letterman, American television host and comedian, as a special guest.
A specific time is still to be announced, although it is set for Monday afternoon, and the exact Vineyard Haven address will remain given upon RSVP.
Harris herself appeared on the Vineyard for a separate fundraiser last August, on behalf of the Biden-Harris campaign. Her sister, Maya Harris, owns a home in Katama.
A majority of tickets for Monday’s fundraising event cost $2,500, with money contributing to the campaign.
The event is part of a series across New England, according to New York Times reports. Emhoff is also expected to appear in Nantucket on July 30, and in Yarmouth, Maine on July 31.
Save your money. The trip will be cancelled by then. Libs eating Libs and Biden will be out of the race.
Doesn’t matter if Biden drops out of the race. Maybe Michelle Obama will run. Maybe George Clooney or Tammy Duckworth will run. The money is being raised for Democratic candidates.
Carl: i think the junket will not be cancelled. Many deals must be struck with the Obamas before the Bidens give up the keys to the kingdom. The departure is indeed inevitable – as it has been for many months as Biden’s poll numbers and cognition decline. But timing the exit for maximum benefit for the party and the pardons is all that matters now.
Hope so!
Who’s going to take care of Joe when she’s gone?? What, no one home to turn on Matlock or get his tapioca pudding? Say it ain’t so Jill!
John, let’s not forget that Trump is about the same age.
“Trump is about the same age.”
I’m sure there is a computer model for this!
Don’t believe your lyin’ eyes!
But if it is a younger presidential candidate you are looking for: Dr. Jill Stein fits both the “lyin’ eyes” and “computer model” bill.
Who is taking care of Trump now that Melania is gone?
His entire party has already thrown him under the bus.
Thomas Tusser aptly put it when he wrote a fool and his money are soon parted.
Dee, the oil industry agrees with you. That’s why they are pouring billions into the Trump campaign. They want to continue the vacuuming of money out of your pocket into their bank accounts.
Ha ha perfect … but HE is the one throwing his party – and the vast electoral majority – under the bus. The Biden campaign is an entire SHIP of fools!
Dee- Democrats can think for themselves– Yeah, they threw
Biden under the bus, because it was time to throw him under it.
That time has long passed for the boot licking sycophants of the republican
party to throw trump under the bus– But they don’t —
They are either afraid to cross the Fuhrer or agree with his racist
xenophobic policies. or they just aren’t smart enough to figure out
that he is just lying to them to feed his megalomaniacal ego.
Don’t waste your money on this loser. He won’t even be the candidate come election time. Even Obama has lobbied for this.
Mike, the Democrats have a right to fundraise if they want to. They can use the money to support any Democratic candidate. I’m hoping first for Tammy Duckworth. She is a Firecracker!
Jill, thank you for your service. Also thank you President Biden for your service.
History will show Biden as one of the best presidents ever. His skill level of doing important work, of getting things done, will shine.
We are ready for George Clooney and Tammy Duckworth to pick up baton and run for us.
You must be joking or only see what you want to see. It could be you have been sucked in by the dems gas lighting. Do you think he did a great job getting out of Afghanistan? Do you think he’s done a great job with the border? Do you think he’s done a great job by not trying to stop men in women’s sports? Do you think he’s done a great job giving away taxpayer money to students? I will agree he’s done a great job at hiding from the press and not doing honest discussions with reporters without a Teleprompter or notes given to him in advance. It’s pretty obvious he’s not even running the country as without a Teleprompter he’s lost. The words in the teleprompter are not his. They are from staff writers, and he’s nothing more than an actor and not even B rate one.
Yes, i think he did the best we possibly could getting out of that ill-fated war started by the Bush Administration and falsely pushed on the American people because of the emotions around 9/11. Yes, I think his administration has done a great job responding to a global refugee crisis, and fixing the horrible and embarrassing human rights atrocities enacted by the inept Trump administration. Yes. he’s done a great job listening to economists who advised forgiving certain predatory student loans – not with taxpayer money, check your facts – that were crippling the economy. And – check your facts, please – Joe Biden is actually the one who is NOT an actor. He has been serving his country for decades. You don’t have to like Democratic policies. But let’s deal with truth and facts.
Bob, the first thing I want to point out about Joe Biden is his humanity and honor. When Biden became a senator, he rode the train about 220 miles per day, round-trip, from his home in Delaware to DC, so that he could help raise his sons.
Biden is truly a religious man. (The closest Trump gets to a bible is a photo op). Can we also bring up Mitt Romney? He is a good and decent man and can make his way around the scriptures.
About the teleprompter–ALL presidents use speech writers and teleprompters, even Trump.
About the border–Biden has a policy of treating people at the border as people and doesn’t lock them up in cages and separate children from their parents like Trump did–Trump separated 4227 children from their parents. Biden reunited at least 3126 children with parents and still trying to reunify the remaining children.
About men in women’s sports: We need a third category for sports: Other. Men, women, and transgender. Etc. We don’t have to put a group of people down because they were born different than most people (if someone is born with a syndrome, we don’t intimidate them and shame them, do we?).
Now about Afghanistan: Biden and his administration did a fantastic job. (I can see you rolling your eyes). Let’s recall that Trump made a deal and then didn’t provide the infrastructure to complete the deal and Biden was left holding the bag. Wikipedia has a fairly detailed list. The main thing to remember is that the Taliban (and almost everyone in Afghanistan is Taliban) didn’t want us there and when we said we were leaving the government fell apart. The PEOPLE of Afghanistan didn’t want to fight to keep their freedoms. (Boy that’s long-winded and we aren’t done yet!) If we look at the situation in a vacuum it looks really awful: we lost 12 military personnel and about 170 civilians died. Let’s compare though, and see the situation in context: When we left Vietnam (Gerald Ford, a Republican, was president) and we don’t know the exact number, but somewhere between 30,000 to 50,000 people died during the withdrawal from Saigon. The withdrawal from Saigon was perhaps 100 times more chaotic and deadly then the withdrawal from Kabul.
Taxpayer Money to Students: In my opinion, such a good investment. Some students pay MORE in taxes the first year that they work than their entire college cost (pull out your calculators and see how much money we, the US Taxpayers, would get back for that investment).
One more thing, that you didn’t ask about, the economy. Let’s take a look at inflation: best in the world after covid (let’s not forget that Trump slapped tariffs on steel which increased the cost of cars and windmills). (Side note: all the people on MV who don’t want it to change–higher interest rates stopped a bunch of people from buying and making changes to MV). The all-time record high for the stock market was this year, May 15 and 16. (And, although this isn’t scientific, some of my friends are buying the best houses, clothes, and cars of their entire lives since Biden came into office.)
Bob, I don’t necessarily agree with you on what is important to the US in this election. Some conservatives want to eliminate birth control. Just NO. (Everyone has their own view on abortion, but the 14 states that don’t allow it under the rape condition or save the mother’s life condition are criminals).
Immigration is barely on the list. Freedom in Europe and our role in NATO is number one. We cannot, we cannot have another Hitler/Mussolini/Putin world.
Biden did what Trump would not, he got us out, with just 17 dead.
How many died getting out of Vietnam?
How many Americans died in in Vietnam under the Eisenhower’s presidency?
Why are sports segregated by sex?
Are the Island taxpayers giving away money to Island students?
Should the taxpayer fund medical education?
All education?
Not just K-12?
Is the University of Massachusetts giving away tax money?
Trump does not give interviews with Main Stream Media.
Speaking of teleprompters have you seen recent Trump Rallies and the RNC.
Biden has never lost a major election.
Trump is a proven loser.
Who writes what is on Trump’s teleprompter?
Perhaps not the best but at least honorable.
Joe Biden, honorable?
You people are dreaming.
Biden has always been a war-mongering grifter who understood the value of $$$ a heck of a lot more than “honor.”
Joe has always been the Delaware usurers’ (credit card companies’) best friend.
Now we see that family members—his brother and his son Hunter—were in on the deals, especially with Chinese corporations.
Iconic image of Biden “honor: Joe, on video, boasting in the most vulgar terms about how he strong-armed an honest Ukrainian AG to stop an ongoing investigation into corruption at the Burisma gas company that implicated Hunter Biden by threatening to withhold $1 billion in US aid.
And he raised such an “honorable” son!
And then there’s Dr. Jill, the babysitter.
These people behave like Delaware Hillbillies.
They are an embarrassment to the USA and its citizens.
I almost feel sorry for the Obamas, having to host the Biden fundraising circus and keep a straight face.
Mary, with respect, may I ask you to enumerate the accomplishments of this president you so admire? And could you be very specific? And compare and contrast his failures? For “one of the best presidents ever” this should be easy.
The Biden administration has accomplished:
– Created 11 million jobs, unemployment rate 0f 3.5% is 50-year low
– First meaningful gun violence reduction legislation in 30 years through the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act vs rise in handgun sales during Trump admin
– Historic student debt relief to middle-class families (with income limits) vs the court-acknowldged scam that was Trump University (Trump owned 93%). Folks can yell about this “use of my tax money”—your tax money and mine are used for some things we don’t like. That’s democracy. College in the US is absurdly expensive; we want an educated citizenry or we’ll be unable to keep up with technology, etc.
– A low for Biden, but plan to remove trrops didn;t originate with him: The agreement for the U.S. to withdraw from Afghanistan was signed by Trump’s administration in February 2020. Biden was responsible for the withdrawal (after 20 years) and it was handled badly.
John, Google is your friend…but you’ll still need to read…no spoon feeding.
John, to properly give you the details you want it would take a book 📕. I’m willing. Since we don’t have the space here’s a couple: Biden has supported democracy in Ukraine. (Contrast Trump saying he will force Ukraine to hand themselves over to Russia. Just curious if another powerful country came along and said we have to turn ourselves over to (insert country of your choice, let’s say North Korea) would you be okay with that?)
He has deported more irregular immigrants than any president for many, many years.
He brings civility to the office of the president. His inauguration ceremony at the Lincoln Memorial was beautiful. (Contrast, Trump is crass. Trump is a multiple felon. Trump called veterans losers.)
Biden worked as Vice President to expand health care access for people all across the US. I heard a lady in Montana say that she was so grateful for the Affordable Care Act (ACA) that Trump put into place. The lady in Montana didn’t know that Biden did it before Trump was elected. Want more, buy the book! 😉
Ms Hansen there is no democracy in Ukraine. It is as corrupt as
Russia and Zelensky has banned opposition parties. 80 percent of Ukrainians believe Zelensky is corrupt and he is. We should not be giving them money.
Andrew, if we stop giving money to Ukraine to fight for democracy, what happens next?
Putin gave us a clue when he said he would attack Poland and Finland next. Obama should have inserted us in between Crimea and Russia. The Orthodox Churches in the US have implored their congregations to donate as much money as they can to keep Russian war effort going. The Texas oil billionaires have donated so much money to Russia that the church is considering moving the foundation of the church from New York to Dallas. Those oil billionaires have to stick together!
Tammy ? OH ! I get it but let’s also consider that fashion firecracker, Illhan Oman pick up the baton! She could have her husband…..I mean brother run interference for her. Go squad !
Mary, you insisted that Biden was sharp as a tack and ready to serve another four years. You were accusatory towards commenters on this site who expressed, even with complete civility, the opposite opinion—which was, in the end, the opinion that’s in line with the facts.
Now he’s been forced to drop out due to the severe mental decline that so many denied was real, and you’ve moved on to a new position without addressing the lie. So has Biden’s party, on average. This is why there’s no trust among Americans. We are constantly manipulated, even by those who claim to value honesty above all else. Even when the reality is obvious.
I hope you can see what I mean. I wish people would be more accountable for their words and positions. Supporting a president who has been struggling (an understatement) for some time is dangerous. Saying he could continue on for another half-decade was an affront to reason, yet the voters who showed genuine concern were written off by the majority. It doesn’t help to build respect.
Katie, I do not see what you mean.
The Fairness Doctrine was dismantled in 2011. Recently someone asked me If I liked listening to Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Alex Jones, and Tucker Carlson. When I said I do not agree with those radio personalities, they turned their back and walked away. Right wing radio programs are cranking out propaganda at a high level.
Katie, I strive to post factual information and resist posting my opinion. That is one difference between me and some of the other people who post—they think facts are opinions. It is one of the reasons that I post, to confront the outright lies being told in the world. How about we focus more on facts?
Thank you MV Times for publishing true journalism.
And, Katie, for those people who choose to support Trump, they are choosing to vote for one step closer to Fascism. It won’t be me. When I read information about Irena Sendler, I’m determined to be like her. I’m not going to stand by silently while so many in this country would support the opposite. Vote against Trump. Vote against the oil barons.
Jill ain’t coming. She will be in mourning that she isn’t First Lady any more.
Let us pray that will bd the case!!
sorry, andy– Dr. Biden is still the “first lady”,
whether you like it or not.
Lie all you want. Some MAGA nuts will believe you,
but it doesn’t make it true.
But i can tell you what former nude model,
who violated our immigration laws and was
sometimes photo’d naked in bed with
a person of her gender, who’s husband
cheated on her with a porn star is actually
mourning that she isn’t “first lady” .
If you can’t guess who I’m talking about, it isn’t
Michelle Obama.
Joe has been abandoned by all the Dems. Did he endorse Jill for president?
I agree with Mary, Joe Biden has been an extraordinary d3edicated
public servant. But please, if you have a limited amount of money
to donate to a democratic candidate, donate to whoever comes up next.
And if you have unlimited amounts of money, spend the $2,500
go meet Dr. Biden
and personally ask her to convince her husband to get out
of the race. He has the opportunity to get out as a winner, with a great
reputation. And then donate to someone who could possibly beat
the narcissistic pig that wants to lock up his political
opponents, be a dick-tater, deport millions of hard working people
who call this country home , and on and on and on.
And lets not forget , he lies about everything…
I don’t understand why the pathological lying gets a pass from honest people,
especially Christians.
Ok so who is the real threat to Democracy? Millions of voters spoke and chose Joe Biden as their choice. But now a few oligarchs want to sideline him and millions of Americans so they can instill their chosen puppet. How does it feel to be lied to? Have you finally opened your eyes to the corruption of the Democratic Party? I thought all votes were counter. Sadly the Democratic Party is proving conservatives right that everyone’s vote isn’t equal.
Carl– what are you talking about ? Our political system
has procedures and laws that cover unexpected events.
Do you object to the democrats following the law ?
if the assassin’s bullet had succeeded in taking
trumps life, would you be saying that that they should
have embalmed him and left him on the ballot ? Given the mentality
of some of his hard core supporters I could see that.
Or maybe the corrupt politicians on the right would have
cancelled the convention and put Putin on the ballot.
Don, Joe Biden is alive and well in Rehoboth Delaware. Nothing is wrong with him. The Dems have said so for years. These were not unexpected events as we have been watching Joe for years and calling him out on his lies and gaffs. The Dems decided he can’t win and staged a coup. The Dems are acting more like Putin than Trump ever has. If you can’t see that you have been lied to and manipulated by the liberal elites then you deserve everything you get. Just remember what happens to sheep. Bahabahabaha.
Don, the donations from Dr. Biden’s campaign event are funding the DNC and state Democratic campaigns. So, jump on over, donate, and enjoy listening to Dr. Biden speak. No need to wait for Tammy Duckworth to become the candidate before donating! 😁
done !
Classic case of TDS.
Joe Biden has “a great reputation”?
It’s not worth the time or effort to refute the spate of nonsense.
Trump can Do no Wrong Syndrome
Katherine- let me dazzle you with a real TDS comment
4 bankruptcies
failed steak business
failed vodka business
failed university
failed casinos
sued for racial discrimination in his housing units multiple times.
loser of 2020 presidential election
found liable for slandering a woman he raped
brags about “grabbing p***y”
cheated on all three of his wives
mocks handicapped people
calls everyone he doesn’t like infantile derogatory names
thinks fallen veterans are losers and suckers
is a wanna be dictator like some of his “friends”
constantly whines about being a victim
is a pathological liar
cheats when playing golf,
and on and on and on
And did I mention 32 felony convictions ?
I’m proud to have TDS
Much better than head stuck up your butt syndrome.
But yet the Dems pushed Joe Biden to the side because he couldn’t beat Trump disenfranchising 14 million voters. Think about that Don all the bad stuff you are saying about trump and the oligarchs knew they still had a worse person than trump. You have been duped by the liberals and the media and you still can’t see it.
Go Kamala!! Lol
It will be canceled before the 29th. But, if not, tickets will be $2.50 each. Say goodnight Irene !
Lol … exactly!
Lol! Another democrat dropping in to shake their tin cup for donations. Shame on her! Also, she is guilty of elder abuse, letting old Joe run again.
Peter –Shame on Dr. Biden for shaking a tin cup.
She should be shaking a gold cup.
There is obviously no shame if you are shaking a gold cup.
Hmmm– I wonder if you know what the word “hypocrisy” even means ?
Perhaps she should be selling copies of
“The gospel of The Flying Spaghetti Monster”
Some atheist seems to have a lock on selling bibles
to fund his legally binding obligations for defaming a woman he raped.
Grab your popcorn, Don. This is gonna be fun. Kamala is a dope, more famous for her word salads than actually accomplishing anything. Again, not a Trump fan, so stop with that tactic. Democracy threatened by Trump? How about by the DNC kicking the elected president and nominee to the curb so Obummer and his clique can personally choose the “right” candidate to take on Trump? Backroom deals are common in Chicago and Washington but won’t fly in the rest of the country. I could whip Kamala in a debate. Man, that would be fun. (The Dems HAD to go with Kamala because she was the hand-picked DEI candidate in 2020. To push her aside would lead to rebellion in the ranks. What a mess!)
Dr. Jill loves the perks.
I am certainly not the only one to notice this.
Perhaps she will also do a tour of the Vineyard Wind farm to provide a photo op and boost to the Dems’ favorite boondoggle. “Vineyard Wind,” indeed!!
Katherine, are you aware that the Chinese are successfully getting out from under the bondage of the oil industry because of solar and wind power? Why are you calling it a boondoggle?
THIS HAD BETTER BE CANCELLED, or the consultant setting it up might as well call itself “Losing Strategies.” The Bidens are losing credibility as virtuous people who put country above personal ambition each minute his campaign of strategically i incompetent political careerists and corrupt DNC loyalists hold the electorate hostage to the President’s age-remated delusion, petty bitterness, and complete loss of judgment: all of which are rendering him unfit for office, much less the reelection bid.
It’s lovely that the unity message has reached Martha’s Vineyard geniuses.
Partners who love, respect, and have their spouse’s best interests at heart, would not encourage or allow a clearly failing partner to go down so publicly, not after a lifetime in public service. In the end, when we don’t take care of our loved ones first, we are not good people. This looks like spousal abuse to me.
Is Oliver Stone still making movies? The horror of the attempt on Trump’s life will be a movie.
I agree, Jackie. Jill Biden should never have allowed her husband’s health issues to play out on a global stage like this. The job’s pressures were too much, yet she refused to change her tune.
That folks are now crediting the Bidens with knowing when to quit is silly. This should’ve happened ages ago, by choice. The debate was not revelatory in my eyes. It was just a prolonged display of the same known problems underlying his candidacy. Worse, his presidency.
Peter, LOL, the oil barons are paying Trump’s bills, so he doesn’t have to stand on a street corner with a tin cup. 485 BILLION annually is worth fighting for. That’s why the conservatives keep saying, Fight! Fight! Fight! The oil barons are fighting for their livelihoods!!
Jill Biden is welcome to campaign for the Democratic Party. And if the Democratic Party picks Tammy Duckworth as the next candidate for president, then Jill’s campaign money earned 💰 can move forward to Tammy.
As predicted: This story is now irrelevant. Biden has withdrawn from the race as of less than an hour ago. We finally have a chance to save the republic from dictatorship! Josh Shapiro or Mark Kelley for VP!
With Kamala at the head of the ticket? You’re kidding? Right? LOL
Jill not coming now. The part of democracy just kicked out Biden with enormous pressure and he had to resign. So much for the 14 million voters who backed him in the primary as being now disenfranchised. I thought Repubs were a threat to democracy. Watch as new candidates emerge to fight Kamala.
andy– have you seen that she has cancelled this event ?
They could simply change the name on the ticket from
Biden to Harris. I’m sure Dr. Biden would be happy to
campaign for Harris, and is not holding childish resentments
against her.
I for one am not disenfranchised. I just sent the Harris campaign a
donation. I’m not a real fan of Harris, but she sure is better than Joe or trump.
Speaking of trump– do you think he could at least once say something
nice about someone who doesn’t grovel at his feet and lick his boots ?
Standing by.
The his just proves that liberals are incapable of thinking for themselves and nothing but sheep. They voted for Joe Biden as their representative to run against Trump. But the elites saw the writing on the wall and staged a successful coup against a sitting president is the United States. Trump was right again when he said Joe Became den wouldn’t be the candidate. Seriously isn’t this proof enough of a deep state and oligarchs running the democrats. Those 14 million people mean nothing to Dems and have lied to over and over again. But sadly this will not be enough to show them the light.
Thank you Katherine Scott, let the truth come out your, 100% accurate
As indicated by the Island’s voting record a super majority of Islanders want her to come.
Trump will not be coming.
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