Coming to terms with change in Vineyard Haven


To the Editor:

Having two family members who own businesses here in Vineyard Haven, my appreciation of their dilemma to constantly be compelled to advertise and search for workers, takes precedence over neighbors’ unhappiness about preservation of what used to be peaceful enclaves here in town and what currently appears to be dramatic unwelcome change. 

Without housing for employees, businesses are forced to close or limit their services which adversely affect the entire community. 

My neighbors and I objected strenuously to the unanticipated expansion of my closest abutter, the Montessori School. Yet working parents obviously must secure services for their children’s care. WE, the members of the Vineyard Haven community, must come to terms with unpleasant facts that NEED for services result in and outweigh perceived unwelcome changes to our local environment. 

I’ve had a home here since 1978, and candidly, change is a fact of life, just as is aging. Both may be unwelcome but inevitable. I am 93.


Doreen Kinsman

Vineyard Haven