Poet’s Corner: New Eyes


New Eyes
By Cecily Bryant

I gaze into her empyrean eyes
and wonder if she still remembers life before her birth
The mystery we all hold with wonder
answers pieced together with religious and philosophical debate
But she knows
Her eyes reflect that glorious light
Her skin new and translucent
It softens all who gaze at her
She requires all we must strive for
a kindness in practice both vigilant and strong acts
of protection we all require and deserve
Every mother searches to find that recognition
amongst her maternal sisters through wars and famine
as this surely does determine who we are

Cecily Bryant is a longtime Island resident and former teacher and school director, now living in Vineyard Haven. Her poems have appeared in a number of collections.

Poets with a connection to Martha’s Vineyard are encouraged to submit poems to community@mvtimes.com