“Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and love of kindred, and we are better throughout the year for having, in spirit, become a child again at Christmastime.” —Laura Ingalls Wilder
Donaroma’s did a great job of making us all feel like children again with its annual Christmas greenhouse display. The theme was “T’was the Night Before Christmas,” and the staff became the characters of the story, dressed in pajamas and offering visions of sugarplums.
This looks amazing: Circuit Arts is presenting a live radio version of “A Christmas Carol” at the Grange Hall over the weekend. Brooke Hardman Ditchfield and Brian Ditchfield conceived this project more than a year ago, and are thrilled to be presenting it for the community. The Dickens tale is a combination ghost/redemption story, with its themes of the inherent goodness of humans, and the power of love and community. The ensemble cast will bring the story to life, with music and fun. The performances are Dec. 19 – 21 at 7 pm, and Dec. 22 at 2 pm. Tickets are at circuitarts.org, the cost is pay-what-you-can. WMVY Radio will also be broadcasting the performance on Christmas Eve, if you miss it!
Winter officially and astronomically begins in the Northern Hemisphere on Dec. 21, also known as the winter solstice. Winter solstice celebrations happen all over the world, and there are many myths and legends about it, but the fact is that it is literally just a moment in time when the hemisphere is tilted as far away from the sun as possible. The best reason for us to celebrate is that the days will begin to get longer!
The Oak Bluffs senior center is collaborating with the O.B. School on a “Senior Reading” program, starting on Jan. 10. If you would like to participate, please contact Rose at 508-693-4509, or rcogliano@oakbluffsma.gov.
One more thank-you to the Gatchell family on County Road for once again outdoing themselves with a fabulous, magical Christmas display for all to enjoy. The lights will be on from 5 to 8 pm through Dec. 31, so be sure to take the time to take it in. You can also drop off food items or a cash donation for the Food Pantry in the box.
Ocean Park will also be glowing with lights through Dec. 31.
On Dec. 19, please light an extra candle for the family of Emma Hall, whom we lost too soon in 2020.
Birthday hugs on the 19th go to Lexi Olender, Roy Cutrer, and Albert Lattanzi. Jane Lawson celebrates on the 20th. Wish happy returns to Jennifer Underwood Thomas on Dec. 22.
Winter solstice babies include Bill Jones, Emma Conley, Stacy Wise, and Frank Zappa. Taylor Rasmussen will celebrate on the 22nd. He shares that date with another Island celebrity, Diane Sawyer. Bonnie Ward Pierce celebrates on the 24th.
Please let me know if you have a birthday or special occasion for me to share! I don’t want to miss anybody, so help your grateful columnist.
Send me your news!
If you have any Oak Bluffs Town Column suggestions, email Joanne Lambert, joannelamber@gmail.com.