Heard on Main Street: Why does everyone just assume you have a computer, and want to use it for everything imaginable?
After trying to find some tiny missing pieces, I expect to receive something soon that I did not even know would be available. I have a small ceramic Christmas tree, after many years now missing several of the little color pieces you fit into its holes to glow like Christmas lights on the tree. The bits fell out, or somehow escaped into the wild blue yonder, and were permanently lost. Walmart had them. So did Amazon, but theirs would not arrive until next year, and cost more as well.
Ever wonder what early English newcomers here found to eat in the days before refrigeration and takeout? How did those new to Martha’s Vineyard feed themselves in the earliest days of English colonization? We know that the Indians knew what they were doing, but what about the others? You can discover recipes, preservation techniques, and sample dishes available on our Island from 1642 to 1850 with local historian Norah Van Riper on Thursday, Jan. 9, at the Vineyard Haven Library. “Founding Foods: Seasonal Eating on Martha’s Vineyard” is at 6 pm. Refreshments provided.
The Tisbury senior center has an online schedule of events at tisburycoa.com. But they didn’t tell me about that, or the party, until it was too late to share it with you. But of course, if you have a computer, you can see for yourselves what is happening. Remember that all kinds of things are canceled over the holidays.
They did mention Food Rescue, for which I don’t understand who does what. There is Chair Volleyball, which you can join in even if you are up and running on your own two feet. But you will have to call or check the new source if you want to know more. Included was a new number: 508-774-8618.
It isn’t bad enough that the new printers The MV Times uses have confused some deliveries, so you may have missed a week or two. But last week the wind delayed the boats bringing the papers to the Island. We should have finally got that one — so I hope that you did.
On the positive side, we are no longer in a drought, at least I think not.
There is news that we all can do something to help the Great Ponds. Just stopping fertilizer use on your lawn and adopting a Vineyard Lawn is a great choice. If you own a home or business with a standard Title V septic, probably the most powerful action you can take for the ponds is to reduce the impact of that system.
Happy anniversary on Sunday to Fred and Jill LaPiana.
Big bunches of birthday balloon wishes go out on Friday to twins Mattsen and Sutton Koster.
Heard on Main Street: Be naughty. Save Santa the trip.
If you have any Tisbury Town Column suggestions, email Kay Mayhew, tashmoorock@gmail.com.