Mary Ellen Larsen, Tisbury: The Steamship with all its problems with broken boats and staffing issues is on everyone’s black list. However, having been stuck off-Island Wednesday, I have found all the ticket office staff pleasant and helpful, as well as the parking staff. I came down Thursday, and Woods Hole was a nightmare. So many cars everywhere. The ticket office said there was no way I would get off except on foot. I was offered a free parking voucher for the Palmer parking lot, and a passenger ticket. I declined. On Friday, I was given instructions on how to get in priority standby. At 2:30 that afternoon, they had a small space for me to board the freight boat. Home free. I can’t thank all the staff and crew enough for their good nature and help. One for the Steamship.
Christopher Lyons, West Tisbury: We as an Island need to call for an external investigation for all the problems, breakdowns, and canceled ferries. This is unacceptable. Terminal in Woods Hole should immediately cease construction till all boat issues are rectified. No boats, no buildings.
The SSA is not a lifeline, and is at the point I believe of actually putting travelers’ lives at risk. As a paper, you should use your investigative skills and call them out, and help get the state Board of Transportation involved. Please call out this shame and demand an external investigation into all aspects of the SSA’s shortcomings.
Kimberly Angell: I have been going off-Island frequently to have cataract surgery and subsequent follow-ups, so I have had more than one eventful trip in the past month or so. About a week ago, I walked off the boat to see the large rectangular area of the staging/bus parking area completely torn up and surrounded by metal fencing, and not a sign in sight. Not one. No direction, nor a person directing anyone as to which way to find the shuttle to the back lot, nor to the Palmer Ave. bus, nor to the larger buses.
As anyone who frequents the shuttle knows, they like to take off before the boat is fully unloaded, and leave people walking to their cars — so I was low-key panicking, trying to spot the shuttle. It would take me about three to four minutes just to walk around the fencing. It was cold, and I pay an arm and a leg for the shuttle and parking space. When, finally, I and several others did find the shuttle, beyond the fencing, about at the halfway point in one of the staging lanes, amongst a sea of cars, the driver told me that they will not allow them to pull up closer to the front of the line.