Oak Bluffs Town Column

—MV Times

“Ring the bells that still will ring, forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything, that is how the light gets in.” —Leonard Cohen

I love this quote for this year. 2024 was quite a year — a year of extremes, it seems. A time when people were so divided over so many things. A time of extreme weather and weather-related disasters. A time of extreme changes, culminating with a presidential election that either terrifies or satisfies, with no real middle ground.

A New Year now spreads out before us: 12 months, 52 weeks, 365 days, 8,760 hours, 525,600 minutes. It sounds like a lot of time! How does it slip by so quickly? I think a good New Year’s resolution is to try to live in every one of those moments; don’t let them slip by without finding the beauty and joy that is there.

Big thanks to Chef Deon and all the elves who helped him to provide a free and fabulous community Christmas dinner for more than 200 people! Chef Deon does a lot of quiet community service, and also offers some of the best food in town from his kitchen at the VFW. We are lucky to have him in our O.B. family!

The days are already lengthening, which we will notice more in the afternoon, as the sun sets almost a minute later every day. By Jan. 31, the sun will be setting just before 5 pm. But we will still have dark mornings, as the sun doesn’t rise before 7 am until well into January. By the end of February, it will be rising by 6:15 am, and setting at 5:30 pm. That will feel so good — for those early morning folks, for the kids getting up to get to school, and also for those who leave work at the end of the day in the dark right now!

Over at Chicken Alley Thrift Shop, this is the time of year they are in need of donations. It is a great way to recycle, so think about them if you’re decluttering, which is the new word for cleaning out your basement and closets. All proceeds from Chicken Alley directly benefit the programs of M.V. Community Services. These programs serve the entire Island community, from early childhood programs to mental health services to veterans’ support. Check chickenalley.org for hours.

Happy birthday to Jen Araujo, Michelle Bettencourt, Michelle DeHaro, and Maranda Post on Jan. 2! Jan. 3 brings happy returns to Leslie Hewson, Mathea Morais, and Phebe Bates. Adam deBettencourt celebrates on the 4th. Vineyard singing ambassador Roberta Kirn celebrates on Jan. 5. She shares the date with Kate Feiffer and Jules Ben David. Uma Datta and Michael Araujo will celebrate on Jan. 6, along with Annie Landry. On Jan. 7, balloons go to Jason Balboni and Holly Thomas. Mel BenDavid, who is a rock star herself, shares her birthday on the 8th with Elvis Presley and David Bowie!

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If you have any Oak Bluffs Town Column suggestions, email Joanne Lambert, joannelamber@gmail.com.