Heard on Main Street: May this New Year bring us peace in our world.
I hope your holidays were joyous and bright. My son took me to his home, where they had family expected, and some came who were not. When my son-in-law, who was called away to help his parents, wasn’t able to return in time, my daughter expected to be alone. But then she was also invited to join her brother’s family, where I was. So that was an especially nice treat for us.
My sons-in-law have a daughter suddenly too ill to be with us, so we were sorry to be missing her. There were a few discussions about who was expected or not; but after everything was sorted out, we had a lovely dinner and celebration.
My son lives in that especially cold strip of Massachusetts north of Worcester, where I once again learned the values of a warm hat and fingerless gloves, worn inside the house. It never got to freezing until the weekend.
The next day my son took me to see an old friend, whom I’d last seen before COVID. She and I met in kindergarten, so we now celebrated many years of friendship … wow, that takes me back a bit. She’s active and happy, living with her daughter and a lovely second husband. He is also a thoughtful man, who built his newly widowed mother-in-law a small home attached to theirs.
Between my old friend and me, we share many of the complaints of aging — but you’d never have known it when we got together. We hugged and laughed, and brought back many long-lost memories that added a special sparkle to our get-together.
I recently enjoyed “Nineveh and Babylon on the Vineyard” in the new MVM Quarterly, as Jim Richardson and his grandson explore a Vineyard Haven teacher’s fascination with archeological studies from the Middle East. It was interesting to learn that much of the early research proved facts of many stories in the Bible. Then I finished by reading “Talking to Norman Bridwell,” based on oral history interviews by Linsey Lee. After all, who would not be enchanted learning even more about Clifford the Big Red Dog?
Don’t forget to vote on Tuesday, Jan. 7. We need to endorse the vote at town meeting to fund our Vineyard Haven library. Tell your neighbors that their votes will make a good library even better.
Big bunches of birthday balloon wishes to Steve Bernier and Jeremy Rockman as they welcome in the New Year on Wednesday with birthdays — best wishes to each. John Chapman and Joan McDonough will party on the first Thursday. Saturday belongs to Romeo Bonelli. More candles for Roberta Kirnjuly on Sunday. Monday is marked for Taylor Higgins. Happy birthday on the second Wednesday of the New Year to Allyson Wajda.
Heard on Main Street: Enjoy life. It comes with an expiration date.
If you have any Tisbury Town Column suggestions, email Kay Mayhew, tashmoorock@gmail.com.