We need stop signs on Franklin Street


To the Editor:

This afternoon yet another traffic accident occurred in front of my house on Center Street. This is at least the seventh accident since moving here with my husband in July 2023. Today was the second to my knowledge where someone was injured enough to need an ambulance.

We live at the southwest corner of Center Street and Franklin Street. As you know, drivers approaching this intersection heading uphill/west on Center Street have a stop sign, while the vehicles traveling north or south on Franklin Street do not. Drivers on Center Street have no visibility of the approaching traffic on Franklin, and can only see oncoming traffic if they creep past the stop sign into Franklin Street.

This blind intersection, in combination with the speed at which most motorists are traveling on Franklin Street, creates a hazardous situation — as is evidenced by the numerous accidents that occur here. 

But there is a very simple and cost-effective solution to this hazard: placing stop signs on Franklin Street at the corner of Center Street for both the northbound and southbound motorists. If all traffic were required to stop at this intersection, motorists traveling in any direction would be able to see other drivers, and avoid collisions. 

Over the past several months, I have written to the town of Tisbury select board and left messages with the Department of Public Works regarding this situation. I’m still waiting for a response.

I urge the town of Tisbury to place these stop signs immediately. I hope it does not take serious injury or a fatality to make clear to the town that this intersection presents a grave hazard to residents and visitors.


The Rev. Joanne Hus, pastor

United Methodist Church of Martha’s Vineyard