To the Editor:
There is an exciting event that takes place on Martha’s Vineyard that receives little fanfare, but it provides community, joy, sustenance, and service to so very many Islanders on Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. Chef Deon’s Community Dinners on Thanksgiving and Christmas have grown during the past 14 years into an Island-wide community service event, with more than 40 volunteers who represent every demographic, and come from across the Island to help prepare the 400-plus meals served on the holidays.
To execute community meals of this magnitude, various roles and lots of hands are required. Volunteers worked in shifts to cut, peel, core, and chop the hundreds of pounds of donated produce. Another group sliced the dozens of pies, and bagged the cookies and desserts. The kitchen crew helped Chef Deon blend, mix, and cook the meats and the numerous combinations of vegetables into delicious multi-course meals. A team packaged the meals on the day-of, for other volunteers to deliver to seniors, shut-ins, and the homeless population. In addition, community members are able to dine in or pick up meals to go. All this is done for free, without exception. Donations are welcome, but not expected. All this would not be possible without the generous donations over the years by Slough Farm, IGI Food Pantry, Pie Chicks, Morning Glory Farm, Allen Farm, and Jon and Heather Roberts!
There’s lots of love poured into the effort, as Chef Deon leads and guides his community of volunteers with patience and love, reminding us to “remain in the spirit”! Chef Deon is a true Island treasure, who helps us prove that Martha’s Vineyard is an Island of caring and compassionate neighbors who look out for one another.
Caroline Hunter
Oak Bluffs