Linley Dolby
Edgartown: A good storm, and the feeling of a long ago harbor alehouse
As I sit here typing, the blizzard outside my window is beginning to pick up steam. The skylights are nearly covered, and the branches...
Edgartown: Snowy owl sighting
Updated, 4:45 pm, Thursday, Jan. 22. *
It is time for me to buy stock in Kleenex and chicken broth, because I have officially caught...
Edgartown: Lose a whole lot of tennis balls?
Is someone missing a bunch of tennis balls? Because there had to be at least 50 balls bouncing around the streets of Edgartown this...
Edgartown: nice winter light
I love the angle of the light this time of year, particularly on the drive from Oak Bluffs to Edgartown along State Beach. The...
It’s officially a new year, and 15 seems like such a nice, tidy number. Time to put away all the excess of the holiday...
Edgartown: Local police guard the Garden
I have to tell you, as I was writing the date on this column, I accidentally typed 2015. I guess I’m getting my practice...
Edgartown: Is your shopping done?
I’ve been on the road so much the past couple of weeks that I’ve had to delay getting into the holiday spirit, but last...
Edgartown: The snowy owl returneth
I’ve been on the road with my gram and gramp, Ted and Floss Morgan, this week making our semi-annual trip to New Orleans to...
Edgartown: Fragrant greens and silver bells
It seems we’ve gone straight from turkey comas to decking the halls without time to blink. I suppose that’s the way it goes when...
Edgartown: What are you thankful for?
It is that time of year to stop and give thanks, and then lay into a month of all-out gluttony. This year, I am...
Edgartown: Third graders visit Plimouth
I have found myself staring at the calendar a lot lately, trying to wrap my brain around how we have nearly arrived at the...
Edgartown School performs The Little Mermaid
Sea creatures kind and cruel in Edgartown.
Edgartown: Shucking side by side
Where is everybody, you wonder? They’re all out scalloping. My husband, Dave, found his first amateur scalloping venture quite a success, as my freezer...
Edgartown: Stormy seas
Wow, that storm last weekend was something else! We had some big branches down around the yard, one of which crashed into our garbage...
Edgartown: Hallow’s Eve plans
The scarecrows have been popping up all over town thanks to the Charter School children in anticipation of that spookiest of holidays: Halloween. Soon...
Edgartown: A Busy Weekend
What a busy weekend in Edgartown! With the Food and Wine Festival taking place in venues throughout town, the Pumpkin Festival over at Morning...
Edgartown: Old New England Charm
I get up to take my dogs out at 4 am every morning (rest assured, we promptly return to bed once everyone’s rituals are...
Edgartown: In honor of the acorn squash
One of the best things about this time of year in my opinion is fresh acorn squash. I find myself imagining new and different...
Edgartown: congrats newlyweds
Ride along Beach Road right now on a given Saturday, and the other side of Senge looks like a never-ending carnival of big white...
Edgartown: Represented well at Kids’ Derby
There’s a nice nip in the air, though the skies have consistently been that crisp, cloudless fall blue. I’m starting to see pumpkins and...