Michelle Gerhard Jasny V.M.D.
The elusive pink nose
Zig, a handsome eight-year-old orange kitty, came in for his annual physical and vaccinations.
Visiting Vet
This spring, Amex, an elderly Corgi, came in for her annual visit.
Tincture of time
Mayflower was a six-pound, nine-week-old rescue puppy arriving on the Vineyard from an animal shelter in Tennessee by way of Rhode Island.
A happy, lopsided pooch
"What's up?" I asked casually, ushering Thunderbolt and owner into the exam room.
Stuffed up
When Snuffy, the 18-year-old cat, arrived with a complaint of chronic nasal discharge, I have to admit I wasn't thrilled. My own geriatric kitty...