Sunday, February 16, 2025
Home Authors Posts by The Martha's Vineyard Times

The Martha's Vineyard Times


R.I.P., Jack Howland

We will likely never see his kind again; his deep, bellowing voice full of confidence and swagger could ice anyone in its path.

A plea

Please if you can, check out the fundraiser my friend started for me.

Only on the Vineyard

Last week, I drove to Lambert's Cove Beach for a late afternoon walk with my dog.

About the Stop & Shop, a question about competition

The May 9 Times coverage of Stop & Shop [Tisbury forum hears worries over Stop and Shop expansion plans, May 9] was reasoned, well-written, and happily kept to an investigatory level — sort of a Stop and Think.

Spoils from Tisbury dredging have a price

The Tisbury selectmen voted for a minimal increase in mooring rates to give the harbor committee an opportunity to review harbor expenses and alternate sources of income.

Patricia F. Mann-Sherman

Patricia "Patty" Fuller Mann-Sherman died on April 3, 2013 at her home in Falmouth.

Ethel L. Marsh

Ethel Langmeyer Marsh of Oak Bluffs, wife of the late Robert E.

Joyce M. Hobby

Joyce May Hobby, 72, of Oak Bluffs died at Martha's Vineyard Hospital on Friday, May 10, 2013.

Holy Ghost Association raised $12,000 at scholarship auction

The auction benefits Island students and provides lots of spirited bidding.

Filling the ADHD gap

I recently attended Melanie Miller's lecture on and discussion of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Thanks for a great event

Thank you to everyone who participated and supported for the 2013 Bike MS: Ride the Vineyard on Saturday, May 4.

Thanks to supporters

Friends of the Tisbury Council on Aging thank supporters who attended our Springtime Tea, introducing Tisbury town administrator, John "Jay" Grande, to the senior community.

Gracious hosts

On behalf of the board of the Cape and Islands Chapter of the American Red Cross (ARC), we thank Richard Paradise and the Martha's Vineyard Film Center for graciously hosting a showing of "The Sapphires," an upbeat and moving movie, on April 27, to benefit the Red Cross and the disaster shelters offered on the Vineyard.

Defend Katama from the noise

Once again, the management/owners of the Field Club have decided to stretch the limits of their permit approvals to better meet their needs at the expense of the community.

Amazing gift

I, a grateful neighbor, am very moved by the Kennedy/Schlossberg family gift of $100,000 to the Aquinnah Affordable Housing Fund.

Where he became Johnny Seaview

Our family thanks you all for the warm welcome you gave us at the service and luncheon held April 27 for Oliver Hazard Perry.

Wonders of the Mill Pond

Passing by the Mill Pond, I am always struck by its beauty and the variety of wildlife that enjoy its waters all year-round — the otters sliding on the ice or diving under water; the ducks and geese placidly swimming around; the majestic swans gliding on its surface; and the amazing aerial fishermen, the osprey, diving for their catch.