Friday, February 7, 2025
Home Authors Posts by The Martha's Vineyard Times

The Martha's Vineyard Times


Let the police serve

Just watched the NRA statement on the television today.

Guns for militia members only

To the Editor:This I believe: Whoever takes it upon himself individually to carry an armed weapon is, by definition, violating the Constitution of the United States, specifically the Second Amendment, and should be punished by the proper authorities for doing so because, as the amendment requires, he has not shown that he is part of a well regulated militia.

Let the Newtown parents lead

Vice President Joe Biden's panel to study gun violence should include all the parents of the children killed in the recent, horrible school shooting.

Gun laws are not the equal of security

In reading some recent Letters to the Editor, I had to reflect upon the existing gun laws of the state of Massachusetts, which already require that purchasers or possessors of firearms be licensed, that guns are registered at the point of sale, are required to be in locked cabinets or have trigger locks, and unfit individuals are and have always been barred from becoming licensed.

Stop the crazy spending

Regarding the article on the school budget [Chilmark officials say 'Wow' to school costs hike, December 20], I'm really curious as to why the superintendent of schools would need a plush new $3 to $5 million office.

Poets Corner: A Hail of Lead

From the weeping floors.

In this season of gratitude

'Tis the season to offer gratitude for the generosity of others.

They danced the night away

To the Editor:I would like to thank Jerry Bennett Productions, the Sultans of Swing, and Dreamland for their generosity in making our Holiday Ball happen December 14, at Dreamland.

Raising online taxes won’t fix shop local problems

Word has been released that the Retailers Association of Massachusetts have won their battle to force Amazon to charge a sales tax on all merchandise orders here in Massachusetts.

Capt. Bob Weiss

Few had knowledge of the waters surrounding the Vineyard like Capt.

Getting around slowly

I was headed to visit my sister in Rhode Island last Friday afternoon and found myself stuck in a traffic backup at the Bourne Rotary.

Warmed by Island dreams

To the Editor:During this season we are warmed by thoughts of cherished summer vacations on the Vineyard.

God bless us, everyone

I received an envelope in today's mail with no signature and no return address.

Let West Tisbury voters ‘control’ guns in their town

In the aftermath of what is arguably the most horrific, emotionally impactful, mass homicide in memory, nearly every commentator, in both print and digital media, has evoked the specter of the NRA.

Crazy talk

To the Editor:I am writing this letter because, like so many in our community, I feel a need to do something, anything, after the horrible slaying of those innocent children, teachers, and administrators in the Sandy Hook Elementary School, in Newtown, Connecticut.

Time for more than words

To the Editor:Words flow.

Teachers are not surprised

To the Editor:When a nation allows people to buy assault weapons more easily than they can obtain a driver's license, when disturbed and alienated young men can stockpile ammunition from the Internet, teachers are not surprised.

A Red Stocking thankyou

'Twas the week before Christmas, the elves worked in shiftsAt generous Grace Church wrapping thousands of gifts.