Friday, September 13, 2024
Home Authors Posts by The Martha's Vineyard Times

The Martha's Vineyard Times


A place of support and healing

Trip Barnes gave me this advice when I realized I was going to live here, "Every week read the entire MV Times.

Thanks to all

We thank all our friends and customers who supported us throughout the past three years.

Met the goal

We would like to express our gratitude for all those who contributed to Local Women, Global Mission's fundraising effort.

Genuine wow factor

I had the enormous pleasure last night of watching my son, along with his fourth grade peers at the Tisbury School, perform two delightful, clever, and truly funny short musical plays.

Quick and experienced help

Thank you to JJ at the OBPD, the OB EMT services, John Rose, the Edgartown EMT services, the MV Hospital emergency room staff, and the Med Flight crew for responding to our emergency at the Surfside Motel on the morning of November 11.

To old and new friends

It was exciting to see more than 300 people come out on Sunday, December 11, to tour the museum's

Historic, and personal, significance

In 1893, John Pierce McDonough immigrated to America.

In this case, it is all about what you do

I've just read the letter written by

Vineyard Hockey knows teamwork

Much has been written over the years about our Island community and the generosity of those living in it.

Mary Louise Osmers

Mary Louise (Graham) Osmers died peacefully at Windemere Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Oak Bluffs on November 29, 2011, at the age of 89 years.

Ellen Bang-Birge

A memorial service for Ellen Bang-Birge will be held at Chapman Cole & Gleason funeral home on Thursday, December 22, from 5 to 7 pm.

Film groups find Vineyard a haven for cinema

Martha's Vineyard is home to three separate film festivals, all of which offer a unique and welcoming experience for anyone who wishes to partake.

No oil, no gas

Oil and natural gas are found in two different varieties, conventional and unconventional.

Stonewalling 9/11

What gives, honestly, with our representative's stonewalling of the many intuitive questions which are being asked of the official 9/11 Commission Report, and the (mainstream) media's apparent total lack of curiosity or interest? Why isn't this being headlined instead of appearing in the Letters to the Editor? If our own government isn't guilty of some sort of coverup, you wouldn't guess it from the defensive, ad hominem way it has (not) responded to the questions (that continue to be asked only because they are not being answered).

Great pleasure

I had the great pleasure of seeing the high school production of "Chess" several weeks ago at the Performing Arts Center.

Thanks from Youth Hockey

Martha's Vineyard Youth Hockey expresses its appreciation and gratitude to all the people who came to support the Casino Nite at the P-A Club on Saturday — card dealers Mike Capen, Bill Cleary, Greg Rollins, Bob Jackson, Carinne Alton, Catherine Deese, Bethany Wilkins, David Alton, and Anthony Cappelli, and to all the table sponsors, and to P-A Club manager Carlene Alley.