Tom Shelby
Ask Tom, the Dogcharmer: Dogs and radios
Dear Dogcharmer,
When I leave my dog alone to go to work, I leave the radio on NPR, so it's people talking and intelligent programming....
Ask Tom, aka The Dogcharmer: For the love of a bulldog
Dear Dogfather,
I have fallen in love with a 60-pound male English bulldog. He is a beautiful big boy with the face of a mastiff....
Ask the Dogfather: Ziggy is afraid of new places
Dear Dogfather,
I have a question regarding my 6-month-old collie mix, Ziggy. I got Ziggy from the local shelter about two weeks ago, and have...
Ask the Dogfather: How young is too young (to train a dog)?
Dear Dogfather,
I have a 10-week-old pug named Menemsha. I was teaching him to sit when my neighbor told me I shouldn't start training until...
Henry and the crabby old man, and BMax, LC, and ticks
Dear Dogfather,
Henry and I live together in a single-family home. Henry is a 3-year-old wire fox terrier, and I am a crabby old man....
Ask the Dogfather: Mr. Z needs a pro
Dear Dogfather,
My husband and I are enjoying your dog column. We have a question and need your advice, and perhaps a visit by you...
Ask the Dogfather: A puppy named Bear
Dear Dogfather,
We recently adopted a 4½-month-old puppy named Bear. We are unsure of the details regarding his background, but we do know that ours...
Ask the Dogfather: A cuddly dog to help children?
Hi Tom,
A dear friend of mine suggested I contact you. I have a question that I am hoping you may help clarify.
I am really...
Ask the Dogfather: Labs in need of door manners
Hi Tom,
I have a 6-month-old Labrador puppy who is overly exuberant when company arrives. When he hears a knock at the door, he barks...
Reliable recall for a boxer, and some tick talk
Tom Shelby, who has trained dogs and their owners on Martha’s Vineyard and in New York City, answers readers’ questions about their problematic pooches....
Ask the Dogfather: Rosie the barker
Dear Dogfather:
I have a rescue dog that we have had for two years. We adopted her last April, when she was a little over...
Ask the Dogfather: What to do about Bosley?
Dear Dogfather,
I just adopted a 4-month-old puppy from a rescue group. Could you give me some idea of what I should and should not...
Ask the Dogfather: Hudson has issues
A question for the Dogfather:
Hudson obviously has abandonment issues, and fights his way out of the door when we want to go out without...
Ask the Dogfather: Is parenting a pup the same as parenting a child?
Tom Shelby, who has trained dogs and their owners on Martha’s Vineyard and in New York City, answers readers’ questions about their problematic pooches....
Ask the Dogfather: Should we get a puppy? Should we get two?
Tom Shelby, who has trained dogs and their owners on Martha’s Vineyard and in New York City, answers readers’ questions about their problematic pooches....
Ask The Dogfather: Rowdy German seeks guidance
Tom Shelby, who has trained dogs and their owners on Martha’s Vineyard and in New York City, answers readers’ questions about their problematic pooches....
Ask the Dogfather: A letter from a yellow Lab
Sore Dog asks, how do I avoid my owner’s cruelty?
Ask the Dogfather: Frightening lightning
What to do about scaredy-cats (-dog)?
Ask the Dogfather: Sox and the light chaser
Dear Dogfather,
Sox, my strong-minded year-and-a-half-old bichon/Lhasa apso crossbreed, has finally learned he will be let into my fenced backyard to pee and poop when...
Ask the Dogfather: Puggle pathos
Tom Shelby, who has trained dogs and their owners on Martha’s Vineyard and in New York City, answers readers’ questions about their problematic pooches....