Monday, February 17, 2025

History & Culture

This Was Then: Here and there

The English settled Martha’s Vineyard from the outside in; early colonial settlements clustered around natural harbors and mill-powering streams, mostly near the periphery of the Island. The dry interior — that scrubby triangle formed...

Fossil Day 2023

Martha’s Vineyard’s National Fossil Day 2023 brought paleontologists, geologists, and citizen scientists to the Union Chapel in Oak Bluffs for two afternoons the last weekend in September. Hundreds of people came. At this annual event,...

This Was Then: The Tisbury School

Welcome to the new Tisbury School! It’s 1930. Students, staff, and teachers have moved into the new school on West William Street, to pomp and parades. The deteriorating old Tisbury School on Center Street, together...

This Was Then: Francis Lewis

Deborah Lewis was born about 1730 in Yarmouth, the daughter of John and Thankful Lewis. She came to the Island of Martha’s Vineyard with her parents when she was about 3 years old. In the...

This Was Then: KaBLAM!

It’s Labor Day, 1929, at the New Bedford, Martha’s Vineyard & Nantucket Steamboat company wharf in Oak Bluffs. The last steamer has departed for the night. The terminal staff has gone home after a...

This Was Then: Jane Wamsley

In 1859, two writers for Harper’s Magazine visited Gay Head on a day trip “to see something of the Indians.” One of them was the well-known illustrator “Porte Crayon” (David Strother), who would sketch...

What the African American Heritage Trail means to Jarrett Campbell

Twenty-five years ago, the notion of creating an African American Heritage Trail on the Vineyard was inspired by the questions of a group of my students, who asked, “Where were all the Black people...

This Was Then: Rollo Wigglesworth

The Island has had its share of colorful names. There was Major Pain, the Chilmark lawyer who fought unsuccessfully to move our county seat out of Edgartown; Mayor Blood, who gave us the name...

This Was Then: The joys of Oak Bluffs

The area we know today as downtown Oak Bluffs was known as “Squash Meadow” for longer than it has been called “Oak Bluffs.” The large body of brackish water at its center — today...

This Was Then: Charlie Bell

He was known by everyone as “Charlie Bell” (and in his Vineyard property deeds as “Charles A. Bell”), but that, it turns out, was just his alias. “Charlie was a sight to behold,” recalled the...

This Was Then: Laura Johnson

She dressed in men’s clothing. She was openly gay. And she ran this town during the 1930s and ’40s. “Laura Johnson the real, real selectman behind the scenes, out of the express office, with...

The New Vineyard

My son and I took a trip up to New Vineyard, Maine, a few weeks ago. New Vineyard is exactly what its name suggests: a town settled by dozens of Martha’s Vineyard families in...

This Was Then: Attendance required

In October 1837, teachers and officials from around the Island gathered in Edgartown for the first-ever “Dukes County Common School Convention” — a public look at the state of schools on the Vineyard, which...

This Was Then: Hiram and Tom

Hiram Dunham was 3 years old, and his older brother Tom was 15, when their father’s seizures began. Ralph Dunham, a 41-year-old Edgartown native, had been working as a cooper (a barrel maker) in New...

This Was Then: The Scarecrow and the Confectioner (Part Two)

The North Atlantic Ocean, 250 miles west of Bermuda, October 1841. The whaling brig William and Joseph of Holmes Hole is heading back to the Vineyard with a disappointing haul. “We put away for...

This Was Then: The confectioner and the scarecrow

London, England, January 1830. A tall, very slender, and considerably deaf 40-year-old man was badgering the acclaimed English author Mary Russell Mitford, bringing her huge stacks of American magazines, and trying to talk her...

This Was Then: Shrinkage

By 1870, it was an open secret that things would sometimes disappear into Holmes Hole (soon to be renamed Vineyard Haven.) Like nearby Woods Hole, Quick’s Hole, and Robinson’s Hole, the word “Hole” refers here...

This Was Then: The Holmes Hole skyline

Behold Vineyard Haven — or as many of the locals still called it, Holmes Hole — as it appeared in the late 1870s. This photograph was taken on two plates from what is now...

Safe harbors

Beacons on hilltops have guided mariners to safe harbor since the dawn of recorded history, and when Martha’s Vineyard was an important port for whale ships and other seafarers, lighthouses showed the way safely...

This little pipe

Come Thanksgiving, Gregory West Drake thinks about “the pipe,” a hefty little metal object said to have crossed the Atlantic aboard the Mayflower, been smoked by Myles Standish in the Plymouth colony, and subsequently...