Thank you for so much help


To the Editor:

I want to thank everyone for their quick response, focus, and thoroughgoing work immediately following the dramatic accident I was in at State and Old County roads.

Within seconds, passersby stopped, directed traffic, and attended to each of us with great care. In shock, I was ushered to the shoulder of the road and urged to lie down, to find that the woman in the third car was also a first responder and was holding my head still. EMTs, other first responders, fire departments and police were all remarkable. Even the chief of the Aquinnah police took a turn holding my head still.

As it turns out my physical injuries are minor, and though my mental pace and energy remains affected by the trauma, I clearly remember, and will never forget, the enormous communal care.

All that said, in my own behalf, and in deep respect for the others in the accident, I hope something is done to redesign that intersection. It would be okay if it would pass and no longer be a scene for the care we show each other.

Still, and in all praise, a heart-full thank you to everyone. You all are tremendous people.

Patrick Phillips

West Tisbury