Robots and ancient shipwrecks at the Martha’s Vineyard Museum


The Martha’s Vineyard Museum welcomes Dr. Brendan Foley to speak tonight as part of the museum’s Archeology Lecture Series. “Robots and Ancient Shipwrecks in the Mediterranean Sea” will delve into the significance of ancient shipwrecks as evidence of trade and communication between the earliest civilizations. Mr. Foley will discuss how 21st century technology is employed to learn about the archaic, by showing how scientists are currently using submarine robots and sensors with regional partners around Greece, Egypt, Cyprus, and Algeria.

Dr. Brendan Foley is a research associate for the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute specializing in Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering, where he focuses on archeology in deep water, specifically in the Mediterranean Sea. Dr. Foley received his BA from the University of New Hampshire and PhD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he now teaches. He is a member of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Board of Underwater Archeological Resources.

Dr. Foley is an expert in the field who is sure to host a wonderfully intellectually stimulating evening. What’s more — the Martha’s Vineyard Museum Library is a fit locale to explore the rich field of archeology.

“Robots and Ancient Shipwrecks” will begin at 5:30 pm, with a reception to follow in the Pease House Galleries at the Museum. Admission is $8 for members; $12 for non-members. Visit for more information.