Oak Bluffs


Now when I admire the view from the sunroom at 6 am, the vista is completely black and white as the trees have lost their foliage and the snow outlines them in silhouette. Houses surrounding the park are no longer hidden by the trees and at this early hour, the few lights glowing in the windows seem to be more like eyes focusing in my direction. The rosy sunrise to the east, spreading rapidly upward, nudges me to remember “red sky at morning, sailors take warning.”

But I think we are done with storms for a while. Although snow, rain, and wind are predicted for the middle of the week, so perhaps by the time this column is read, we will be once more isolated by the weather.

There is lots of winter activity at our town library, with its busy schedule. On Thursday, Jan. 13, at 6 pm, it’s Teen Wii Night. Compete with friends and play a variety of Wii games on the big screen. For those aged 13 and up, it will continue on the second Thursday of each month. On Friday, Jan. 14, from 3 to 5 pm, Tween Wii Night, for 8- to 11-year-olds, is scheduled.Saturday, Jan. 15, from 11 am to 1 pm is NASA Day, which features “The Big Space Shuttle” movie and NASA slide show. Sample real astronaut food and make your own space mission patch, prizes, and more. Age 6 and up.

Delmont Araujo, the oldest son of Derick and Rachel Araujo and a junior at the MVRHS, was recently selected, by application process, to represent teens of Dukes County on the Governor’s Youth Council. He will be sworn in at the Statehouse by Governor Deval Patrick on Friday, Jan. 14. He will be accompanied by his high school sponsors, Wendell Frame and Jim Powell, along with us, his proud parents, and his grandparents Tim and Sheila Baird of Edgartown.

Storytelling for Beginners, co-sponsored by Ruby Window Productions, will be held on Tuesdays, Jan. 25, Feb. 1, 8, and 15, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. The instructor is Susan Klein, M.Ed. For more information, consult www.susanklein.net.

Here are a couple of good projects to help pass boring winter hours away. The Oak Bluffs School is asking for help to cover new library books — wrapping hardcover book jackets and paperbacks in protective plastic. Days and hours are flexible.

Students from MVRHS are running a collection drive for Haiti. Students are asking you to donate an old or used backpack to be sent to a child in Haiti. Collection boxes have been set up around the Island and there is one in the Oak Bluffs School office.

The Martha’s Vineyard Garden Club will hold its first general meeting of the new year on Tuesday, Jan. 18 at 1 pm at the Wakeman Center. The program this month is a presentation by Noli Taylor on Island Grown Schools. A hospitality hour with refreshments will follow the program.

MV Center for Living will hold the second in a series of winter cultural luncheons this month on Saturday, Jan. 29, from 12 to 2 pm, at The Grill on Main in Edgartown. The cultural influence of African Americans on Martha’s Vineyard will be highlighted in a two-part program. Author Tom Dresser who will speak abouthis book African Americans on Martha’s Vineyard, followed by Elaine Weintraub, co-founder of the African American Heritage Trail on Martha’s Vineyard. This luncheon’s theme salutes Black History Month, which is celebrated in February. Also, a short musical interlude is in the works.

We send birthday smiles to Gert Knowlton and Aunt Gen Rogers on January 13, Pat Dorsey the next day, Roddy Santos on January 15, Jessica Peters, Catherine Deese, and Tyrone Araujo on the 16th, Kat deBettencourt on the 17th, and Marcia Valentzas on the 19th.

We honor Martin Luther King Jr. on Monday, Jan. 17. The schools will be closed on that day also.Enjoy your week.Peace