Happy May, everyone. The flowers are blooming and the sun is shining more than a moment at a time. How beautiful we now look.
The Island elections are mostly over, but the politics go on. I am somewhat disappointed and confused about the controversy surrounding Goodale’s sandpit. Why after over 50 years, it has been decided, by a few, that it is unsafe, and a detriment, and has now been referred to the commission is surprising, to say the least.
I must admit I have mixed feelings about The MV Commission, which has protected many areas of this Island, but it also been the death knell for some projects that possibly could have been negotiated more swiftly and provided the Island with some benefits. It is understandable that a further expansion might bring some questions, but can’t that be resolved with common sense and negotiations among the parties involved, not some drawn-out series of hearings and expense.
The Goodale family has always had an excellent reputation on this Island. The Christmas Tree farm along Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road near the pit was started as a reclamation area of an older pit. What a success it was with Goodale’s donating the profits from the sale of the trees to Felix Neck for many years. In the interest of full disclosure, my father, Gerry Bagley, along with some others, planted those trees, but it was the generosity of the Goodales that kept that project and other projects so successful through the years.
The Oak Bluffs Library Toddler Storytime, designed for ages 1½; to 3, takes place on Wednesdays from 10:30 to 11:15 am and the Preschool Storytime, for ages 3-5, takes place from 11:30 am to 12:15 pm.
Spring is here and the COMSOG plant sale will be May 7 and 8 and then until May 29 from 9 am to 2 pm each day. Homegrown organic plants, herbs and veggies, heirloom tomatoes, 15 varieties of peppers, hanging baskets, geraniums, petunias, sunflowers, zinnias and gifts for Mom. COMSOG is on New York Ave.
We are so glad that Bobby-Ann Gibson is home from the hospital in Boston. Good wishes and improved health wishes are sent her way.
Cheryl Sashin would like anyone who is interested in looking to host an inner-city child from New York between the ages of 6 and 12 from July 7 through the 14 to call her at 508-696-6421. You can get more info about the Fresh Air Fund by visiting the website at www.freshairfund.org
tThe MVRHS Minnesingers will present their 2011 Spring Show “The Music of America: Give Our Regards To Broadway” on Saturday, May 7, at 8 pm and Sunday, May 8, at 3 pm. This will be the last show for Oak Bluffs graduating seniors Jenna Lambert, Mitch Lowe, Ashley Gwynn, Grant Meacham, and Dan Reid. The show takes place at the MVRHS Performing Arts Center and tickets are only $10 ($5/students).
The Youth Task Force invites you to a free evening of food and an opportunity to discuss prom safety tips with other parents of MVRHS juniors. This event will take place on May 10 from 5:30 to 7:00 pm at the M.V. Hebrew Center. Food will be prepared and presented by Tea Lane Caterers.
Happy sixth birthday to Preston Averill on May 11 from his Grampy and Grammy in Arizona. Birthday smiles to Fred Hall Jr. and Todd Alexander on the 5th, Lisa Cottrell on May 8, and Marguerite Cook and my grandson Marques Rivers on May 10. Congratulations to Kathy and Andy Farrissey who will celebrate their wedding anniversary on May 6 and to Nora and Gary Jardin who celebrate their anniversary on May 11.Enjoy your week.Peace.