If you had to guess the date from the weather, you would definitely be thinking of August with this humidity and heat. For some reason, I always think once the calendar page turns from August to September, “Hooray,” now the cooler weather comes. But it didn’t happen. Hopefully by the weekend the weather will be more September-like. Can it possibly be that it has been a year since our adopted Lab Molly came to live with us. It seems to have worked well as she came very well trained, loving everyone from babes to elders. Of course during this past year, she has trained us, as well. I shall not tell you what she is allowed to do, but when you look at those soft lab eyes you melt and know how lucky you are and made the right choice. News from the Oak Bluffs Library might interest many of you. For all you Kindle fans, Kindle e-books are now available through CLAMS. Today there will be a meeting to organize ACE MV One Day University from 4 to 6 pm at MVRHS. Sign up by calling 774-310-1131 or lynn@acemv.org. Just a reminder that Cycle Martha’s Vineyard takes place on October 1.This is a benefit Ride for Rotary of M.V., as well as Windemere at M.V. Hospital. There are two rides, 50k and 100k, both followed by a fabulous pig roast after and an awesome band to help you celebrate. Visit the web site at cyclemarthasvineyard.org for more info. For all you registered riders, download the coupon from the web site and your bike rides for free on Steamship Authority boats. The school is plunging right back into their many activities. Both middle school homework club, for grades 6 through 8 and after-school library for grades 3 through 5, started on Monday. Children will be free to be dismissed from homework club prior to dismissal. Parents are asked to make arrangements for prompt pick up and to instruct their children to stay in homework club until that time, with the understanding that your child will not be allowed to stay in the building upon leaving homework club. Any child who is unsupervised will not be authorized to stay in the building. The 8th grade auction to benefit the 8th graders’ trip to Pennsylvania takes place on Sunday, October 2, from 6 to 9 pm at Farm Neck. Many exciting items will be auctioned, including jewelry, paintings by local artists, and some interesting “possible dreams” donated by teachers. The price of the $15 ticket includes light appetizers and hors d’oeuvres and delicious desserts. Tickets may be purchased at the door and there will be a cash bar. Other dates to remember for the school are: 6th grade Camp Alton Jones trip from October 5 to 7, individual and class group pictures will be taken on October 6. October 6 is also the annual K-5 open house, at 6 pm, with a pasta dinner from 5 to 7 pm. The Art of Chocolate Festival at Featherstone takes place on Saturday and Sunday, October 8 and 9 from noon until 4 pm each day. There will be a preview party from 7 to 9 pm on Friday, October 7. This is a benefit for Featherstone and for a donation of $50 per person you may enjoy chocolate tastings, fine wines, musical entertainment and more. Please RSVP by October 4. We send birthday smiles to Bob Blythe, Elyse Madeiras, and Grace Vanderhoop on October 2, Will deBettencourt IV and Marc Hanover on the 3rd, and Tony White on October 5. Enjoy your week. Peace.