Now we are definitely into the fall season. Scallopers and hunters are everywhere and those pesky squirrels have eaten much of the sunflower seed from my “squirrel-proof” birdfeeder and every pumpkin from my fall displays that I had on the tree stumps in the yard. They even had the nerve to eat the ones that I had in the window boxes. Then I realized that I have yet to hear the pinging sound of the acorns falling on the sunroom roof and haven’t found any underfoot either. I guess the squirrels also cannot find acorns so they are using my birdfeeders and pumpkins as sort of a takeout restaurant.
On Thursday, Nov., 10 at 5:30 pm The Martha’s Vineyard Museum will welcome author Chip Bishop to the Vineyard to discuss his great-great uncle’s friendship with President Theodore Roosevelt and Vineyarder George Goethals. After years of research exploring the relationship between the three individuals, Bishop has published their story in “The Lion and the Journalist.”
The Martha’s Vineyard Chapter of the Order of St. Luke the Physician will hold its monthly meeting on Saturday, November 12, at 10 am in the Anderson room of Grace Episcopal Church in Vineyard Haven. Speakers for this month’s program are Cary and Lillian Wong who have been learning, experiencing and practicing healing prayer for several years in both local and cross-cultural contexts. They will speak about inner healing from their experiences. Please bring a bag lunch; refreshments will be served.
There’s always something interesting going on at our Library that will interest all ages. Toddler story time continues on Wednesdays from 10:30 to 11:15 am, and preschool story time, designed for ages 3 to 5, follows at 11:30. Come have fun and develop early literacy skills with Sondra and read, sing, dance, and play instruments. The Theme for Nov. 9 is new books. Then on Saturday, Nov. 12 from 10:30 am to 1 pm, come and celebrate National Gaming Day 2011 with Super Smash Brothers and Just Dance competitions and many board games. Bring your favorite game, too. Age 8 and up. Free.
The Martha’s Vineyard Center for Living will hold its Annual Meeting on Nov. 10 at 7 pm at the Tisbury Senior Center. Following a brief business meeting, the board will make a presentation reflecting briefly on the history about the Center for Living and to hear our progress and plans for the future and what it will mean to 55-plus Islanders and the general population on the Vineyard.
Oak Bluffs School will conduct a parent meeting regarding the Martha’s Vineyard Bullying Prevention Policy on Nov. 14, 2011, at 6 pm in the Oak Bluffs School Library. The school will repeat this presentation and forum on Nov. 17, 2011, at the same time and place. The Oak Bluffs School administration and guidance will highlight the policy, intervention strategies, and answer any questions parents might have. All are welcome to attend this very important meeting.
The Oak Bluffs School Advisory Council is seeking an additional parent representative, beginning this year for a three-year term. Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at the Oak Bluffs School. Anyone who wishes to join the school advisory council, please email the principal at (underscore between Richard and Smith) or call him at 508-693-0951.
Any student in grades two to four can participate in the fall production of “Beauty and the Beast.” Families should contact Gina Patti at or call 508-693-0951; please give your name, your child’s name and homeroom teacher, and a contact number. Children must make all of the following rehearsals: the week of Nov. 14, Monday thru Friday, 2:40 to 5 pm. Performances are on Friday, Nov. 18 with a 5:30 pm call, Saturday, Nov. 19, (5:30 pm call), and Sunday, Nov. 20 (11:30 am call).
The Oak Bluffs Theatre productions are always terrific, so be sure to plan on attending at least one of them.
Important dates to remember at the school are: Nov. 11, 2011, Veterans’ Day, NO SCHOOL; Nov. 14 and 15, 2011 Vineyard Smiles, please note: the clinic has changed to these dates; Nov. 18, 2011, Community Meeting; and Nov. 18 to 20, 2011: School Play, “Beauty & The Beast.”
Remember that Veteran’s Day is this Friday and that the American Legion can use your help setting up and taking down of the many flags for the Avenue of Flags in the cemetery on that day. Please remember to thank the veterans for their service to our country that helps to keep us free.
We send birthday smiles to Todd deBettencourt and Trulayna Rose on Nov. 10, Amanda Gonsalves on the 11th, Charlotte Trembath on the 12th, Katie Davey the next day, Pat Alley and Barbara Humber on the 15th.
Enjoy your week.