

Do you think you know how our town works? You may be surprised at what you can learn at “Tisbury 101” held at 7 pm on Tuesdays for the next few months at the Vineyard Haven Library. The deepest mysteries of Tisbury town government will be explained over the next two Tuesdays.

There will be more information on the second and third Tuesdays in February (Feb. 14 and 21) and a final session on March 13. This program is provided with the assistance of the League of Women Voters of Martha’s Vineyard whose goal is to help you make intelligent decisions as a voter.

The next session on town government is all about our money: how Tisbury gets it and also how the town spends it. On the 31st you can learn more about Tisbury’s places of learning, the schools and the library.

February’s sessions, called “What We Build and Where,” will provide a look at the job of the Board of Selectmen. On Valentine’s Day you can find out how building codes are enforced and what happens at the Martha’s Vineyard Commission that relates to Tisbury. The final meeting in March, “Protecting Tisbury’s Land and Water,” will be about our natural resources. What gets protected and why? How are priorities set to preserve our own town’s natural treasures?

This Saturday from 1 to 3 pm take advantage of the monthly mini book sale at the Vineyard Haven Library. You get a new book and the proceeds benefit the children’s programs. What more could you ask?

Rabbi Caryn B. Broitman lived and traveled for five months in Israel last year. On Sunday at 2 pm she will share her experiences in a free public program at the Vineyard Haven Public Library. Rabbi Broitman will discuss the cultural, societal, and religious experience of living in Israel. She has served as the Rabbi of the Martha’s Vineyard Hebrew Center since 2003.

One of our own artists has oil paintings on display this month at the Martha’s Vineyard Savings Bank in Chilmark. Susan Johnson’s paintings are en plein air (in the open air) landscape scenes at Beetlebung Farm. She says, “I have been painting outside since August there and plan to continue through the seasons (Brr!).” Susan studied en plein air painting in Tuscany with Boston University last summer and had an exhibit at the Vineyard Haven Library in August.

This project was the subject of her final project for Boston University’s Graduate Art Education Program. Susan will continue this project with the Vermont College of Fine Art this winter, and she has been accepted into the Institute For Doctoral Studies In The Visual Arts, a distance learning program with international residencies. Susan is a graduate of Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School and The Pratt Institute. She worked as a special project researcher/web designer and seasonal circulation assistant at the Chilmark Library in 2009 and 2010.

We learned this week that winter is not going to skip us. Of course, the Farmers Almanac predicts extra cold and snowy for New England, so I am ignoring them this year. I’d rather believe my pretty flowering plants. My Christmas cactus plants are still enjoying the sunshine and giving me lovely blossoms to brighten up the scene. They were a little slow getting started this year, but they are still presenting continuous blooms. That is a much nicer prediction in my mind.

It seems sad to note that those lovely penguins at Bramhall & Dunn will be leaving us. They have added a welcome note of formality to our Main Street each holiday season.

There is a very special art experience offered for you on Friday. The little ones aged 2 to 5 at Garden Gate Center have an art exhibit at Featherstone. You are invited to enjoy their artwork, understandably inspired by Dr. Seuss, on Friday from 6 to 8.

Big bunches of birthday balloon wishes go out today to Patti Linn. I wonder if someone will prepare a tasty something chocolate to help her celebrate? Have a yummy day, Patti. Wish the best tomorrow to Mev Good. Cathy Deese and Anne Downing will party on Saturday.

Heard on Main Street: See the good all around you, even if you have to squint.