At the Thursday, January 24, Island Bridge Club (IBC) game, Dan and Nancy Cabot were way ahead of the competition taking first place with a 68.52 percent average game. The second-place team of Bob Iadicicco and Barbara Besse scored a 59.72 percent average game. The third-place finishers Dotti Arnold and Gerry Averill were a fraction of a point behind finishing with a 59.26 percent average game. Twenty players were on hand.
On Tuesday, January 22 at the Martha’s Vineyard Bridge Club (MVBC), Ency and Robert Fokos came in first with a 65.10 percent average game. Bea Phear and Barbara Besse took second place scoring a 59.26 percent average game. The team of Gail Farrish and Patsy McCornack took third place scoring a 56.25 percent average game. Six tables were in play.
Tips for better play
Winning bridge players have the ability to watch — and remember — every card that is played.
Life Master and IBC director Ed Russell provides an example.
“The contract is 3 No Trump and your left hand opponent leads the three of Diamonds. The dummy comes down with the king and eight of Diamonds. You play the king. Right hand opponent plays the four and you contribute your seven. When you knock out the ace of Clubs to your right, the opponent leads back the 10 of Diamonds and you are holding both the ace and nine. What do you do?
“You have yet another finesse that can be taken against either hand and you have decided earlier to finesse against the danger hand to your left. But do you take the ace of Diamonds now or wait? The opening lead of the three of Diamonds and the lack of the deuce says that the left-hand opponent had five Diamonds to start (leading the fourth from the longest and strongest) — thus your right-hand opponent had three Diamonds.
“If you take the ace now and lose the later finesse your right-hand opponent will still have a Diamond to return setting you one. Hold off on the ace and you shall be assured of your contract.”
The American Contract Bridge League (ACBL) sanctions three duplicate bridge clubs on Martha’s Vineyard although it is not necessary to belong to the ACBL in order to join these duplicate competitions.
The MVBC game is held on Tuesday evenings at 7:30 pm at the Stone Church in Vineyard Haven. Admission is $4. Contact Sue at (508) 693-9396 or for assistance in finding an available partner.
The IBC game is held Thursday evenings at 7 pm at Howes House in West Tisbury. Players needing a partner are urged to contact Gerry at 508-693-2889 or by noon on Wednesday for assistance. Admission is $5.
The Edgartown Bridge Club (EBC) meets on Monday afternoons at 12:30 pm at the Edgartown Yacht Club. Players need to come with a partner, admission is $6. Novice players wishing to be matched up with an experienced player need to contact Gail Farrish at 508-627-5476.