

What a hard, violent winter this has been, bookended by two acts of human violence, the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary and the bombings at the Boston Marathon and then filled with plenty of natural violence in the form of blizzards, high winds and sickness. I know we are nearly a month into spring, but I want to put the bombings in the past. I would like to think of them as the end of a season and not as the start of another. We all had many friends at the Marathon who thankfully escaped harm and I heard many, “I was at the site of the bombings five minutes before the explosion went off but I left…” stories. I know there are some people here whose friends were hurt or they knew one of the deceased and that just makes it feel so close and so dangerous. I talked to one Aquinnah summer resident who was supposed to run the marathon but didn’t due to an injury. There but for the grace of God (or what or whoever) go I. I feel like I’ve been saying that all winter. I suppose I will continue to say it and count my blessings as I go along.

Stores at the Cliffs are open! Well, some of them. Faith’s Seafood Shack, How Was Wee, and Stony Creek Gifts are all open. The Outermost Inn will be opening May 17 and will be open for dinner Friday-Sunday at 6 pm until June when they will start opening more nights. Chef Scott Cummings will be returning this summer and there will be a new wine list available that manager Alex Taylor is having fun putting together now.

Skyler Cameron went to Italy with the Charter School eighth grade class and had an amazing time. He went to Rome, Florence, and San Giovanni. His mom stayed here, she went to Vineyard Haven. Riley Cameron, Skyler’s brother, turned 11 on April 13 and celebrated by having some friends over for the night. The evening started with a family dinner and then the friends came; it was a fun, busy evening of family and boys.

The next blood pressure and wellness clinic will be held May 16, 2–3 pm, at the Aquinnah Town Hall. Free and open to all residents of Aquinnah. If you have questions, please contact Mary E. McLaughlin, RN, Town Nurse at 781-534-2543.

“Women of Martha’s Vineyard” is a new book of biographies of many prominent women who made significant contributions to the Island community by Tom Dresser. Featured ladies from Aquinnah are Helen Manning and Gladys Widdiss. “Women of Martha’s Vineyard” will be available at some of the shops on the Cliffs and at Bunch of Grapes bookstore.

This event is in Vineyard Haven this weekend but in light of the events of last week, I thought many people could use a little healing. The Martha’s Vineyard Chapter of the International Order of St. Luke, the Physician, is holding a Day of Healing on Saturday, April 27 from 9 am to 4 pm at Grace Episcopal Church in Vineyard Haven. The day of workshops, praise, and worship and laying on of hands will be led by The Reverend Kit Tobin of The Diocese of Rochester, New York. The Rev. Tobin is a Vineyard Tobin and the sister of Boots and Matthew Tobin. A certified hospital chaplain and Episcopal priest, she has worked with nurses on healing touch and has led seminars on end-of-life issues, stress, trauma, and grief. The Rev. Tobin has also worked with women who have substance abuse issues. Carolyn Eddy will be leading a workshop on meditation in the afternoon. For further information, call Bebee Green at 508-693-1737. A donation of $10 is suggested. Bring your own lunch.

Preparations have begun for the MVRHS class of 1964 50th class reunion. The committee would appreciate help with finding contact addresses email or otherwise for their classmates. Forward information to or call 508-693-5175.

This past week was of course April vacation week for those of us with kids, so for those of us not with kids you may have wondered why you kept seeing some people around town that are only here in the summer, now you know. Mimi Trimmer was in town with her three children. Theresa Manning took a couple of trips over the break with her son, Noah, one to Mystic Seaport and one to Boston for Noah’s very first Red Sox game and they won, to boot! Alex Taylor and her girls, Olive and Violet, went to New York City for four days; they stayed at an apartment in Union Square they found on the site “Home Away.” They had a great time shopping up a storm, but Alex was glad to come home. “I’m a country girl at heart,” she said.