Early every morning when I open the front door, one of the first things that greets me is the Boston Globe. How we do take for granted those simple things that are a part of our lives. To get the newspapers to us early every morning is not an easy task for the delivery person. Here on the Island their day starts in the wee hours of the morning when the papers arrive on a boat and they have to meet that boat and sort the newspapers, then load them into their cars and deliver them to all of their customers. So here is a thank you to those who bring us the news the old-fashioned way every day. I remember my days of delivering newspapers in Vineyard Haven, in the late 40s. My sister Joyce and I split a paper route that ran from Greenwood Ave., on the Franklin St. end, all the side streets and ended up near Dr. Santos’s office in West Chop. They were dropped in our yard every afternoon by Tisbury Police Chief Bill King, and then we had to insert the Cape Cod Times into the New Bedford Standard Times and away we would go on our bikes, and if we were really good at it, we might get a 15 cent tip from customers on collection day. I guess the only part I really liked about the job was having the opportunity to read two newspapers before delivering them.
Starting on May 2, ACE MV is offering another three-credit college (undergraduate and graduate) course through Fitchburg State University. You may get more information or register for the course, “History: A Bridge to Culture and Community,” and other classes online at acemv.org or contact them with your interests at lynn@acemv.org.
The Martha’s Vineyard Chapter of the International Order of St. Luke, the Physician, is holding a Day of Healing on Saturday, April 27, from 9 am to 4 pm at Grace Episcopal Church in Vineyard Haven. The day of workshops, praise and worship, and laying on of hands will be led by The Reverend Kit Tobin of The Diocese of Rochester, New York. Carolyn Eddy will be leading a workshop on meditation in the afternoon. For further info, call Bebee Green, 508-693-1737; Rev. Alden Besse, 508-693-3930; or Parrish Warner, 508-457-0240. A donation of $10 is suggested. Bring your own lunch.
The Tisbury Class of 53 is planning a 60th class reunion in the fall, and they would like to notify graduates of that class so they might contact any graduates they know of, who might want to plan on attending.
Preparations have begun for the MVRHS class of 1964 50th class reunion. The committee would appreciate help with finding contact addresses, email or otherwise, for their classmates. Forward information to wendy.andrews1946@yahoo.com or call 508-693-5175.
Tom Dresser’s newest book, “Women of Martha’s Vineyard,” is a collection of biographies of prominent women who made significant contributions to the Island community. From Oak Bluffs he selected Doris Jackson, for her career at Shearer Cottage, Betty Alley for affirming her Portuguese heritage, and Dorothy West who wrote so well. Women of Martha’s Vineyard makes a great gift for Mother’s Day. The price is $19.99, and the book is available at Secret Garden, the Camp Meeting Museum Gift Shop or at tomdresser.com.
Kay Manning had a great time last week when eight very special visitors came to spend time with their grandmother. Granddaughter Kaitlin Goodhile and her two children, Maddy and Zach, came from Berwick, Maine. Then grandson Ryan Cobb and his wife, Kelly, and their three children, Taylor, Isabella, and Cameron, came from Bridgewater. The families had a wonderful time together eating out or “hanging out” at grandmother Kay’s house.
The Tisbury Volunteer Ambulance Service, along with all Island EMS members, are holding a fashion show and silent auction to benefit the Island Autism Group. There will be music, dancing, appetizers, and a cash bar. The event will take place on Saturday, April 27, at Dreamland. The cost of admission is only $25 and you will not only be helping out an Island charity but as a special gift you will receive a pin, and a tote bag containing information about Autism. For more info, call Ann Stone at 774 521-8695.
West Tisbury story times will be held at the Oak Bluffs Library on the following Thursdays at 10:30 am: May 2, May 16, May 30, and June 13, while work continues on the new West Tisbury Library.
Save the date for the last Women’s Network Program of this year, “Kick off, Survive & Thrive Summer 2013.” The program takes place on Thursday, May 9, from 8 to 9:30 am, at Featherstone Center for the Arts in Oak Bluffs. Check out info@womensnetwork.org for more info.
There will be a special story time at the Oak Bluffs Library “Bayou Seco” on Wednesday, May 1, at 10:30 am. Jeanie McLearie, professional musician, will play Music of the Southwest. Ms. McLearie plays the violin and guitar and loves to sing.
We send birthday smiles to James Moreis Jr. and Lorraine Clark on April 25, Patrick Garrett the next day, Janet Morris, Tabatha Clark, and Melanie Dickson on the 28th and Aaron Campos on the 29th. Birthday Smiles to those I might have missed, and get well wishes to those in need of a healing smile, including my three-year-old great grandson Isaiah who ended up with a broken foot after an attempt at “rock climbing” on a bookcase holding a very large and heavy TV.Enjoy your week.Peace.