Oak Bluffs


Summer officially begins tomorrow, but we know better. Summer begins here when we jump out of “Vineyard Spring” right into hot and muggy. The tourists and visitors have already arrived and I always likened the swirling motion of bikers, walkers, skate boarders, cars and very bewildered sightseers like a kaleidoscope of motion that somehow, most always, works into a safe arrival to everyone’s intended destination.

Please remember that after Monday, children out of school for the summer will be included into this pattern and they are not always focused on safety. Speaking of which, may I give a gentle reminder to bike riders. I have seen many family groups riding bikes along the roadways, and it is great that they make sure their children are wearing bike helmets but unfortunately most of the time the parents are not. Please consider what would happen to the children if you parents should fall and suffer a head injury? Your children would have to depend upon the kindness of strangers for help and some of the kids are too young to be able to give accurate information. Let’s make it even safer by adult riders as well as children wearing helmets.

Here is a reminder about ongoing story times for the West Tisbury Library. While they are in their temporary space, Nelia and Amy will be reading to children age 0-3 on the following days and times: On Tuesdays at 10:30 am, it will be at Martha’s Vineyard Community Services. The last story time at MVCS will be on July 30, and on the following Thursdays at 10:30 am: June 27, July 11, and July 25, story time will be at the Oak Bluffs Library.

Great programs are happening at our library. On June 20, Thursday, at 6 pm, the subject will be Belted Kingfisher and Swallows. Biodiversity Works is conducting a survey for belted kingfishers and swallows nesting in sandy banks and cliffs around the Island. Join biologist Luanne Johnson to learn about these beautiful and specialized burrow-nesting species and how you can help with their project.

Meet author Helen Philips and listen to her read from her new book “Here Where the Sun Beams are Green,” a middle grade adventure novel, on Friday, June 21, at 4 pm. This is a children’s program. Then on June 22, Saturday, at 2 pm an Author Talk with Stephanie Smith, author of “Baby Rocket.” A woman travels to Martha’s Vineyard where she struggles to come to terms with her past and what she can recall, how she was found abandoned in a rocket ride as a baby at Cape Canaveral and how her mother died.

The 6th Annual Benefit Martha’s Vineyard Fish Farm for Haiti Project Tennis Tournament and Art Sale will take place at Farm Neck Tennis Club on June 21, 22, and 23. Come and support this wonderful project.

Ready for another fabulous fish fry? Well, head for the Portuguese-American Club tonight for an all-you-can-eat dinner between 5 and 7 pm. Either eat there or take dinner out. The dinner includes many fabulous sides. And no dishes to wash afterwards!

The annual Oak Bluffs Harbor Festival is this Saturday, June 22. Come by our beautiful harbor, visit the many vendors’ booths and enjoy a great variety of music.

Sympathies to Mike Marchand and his family on the death of Mike’s father, Paul Marchand. Paul and his wife were frequent visitors and he was a very friendly person who was much loved by his family. He did so enjoy the time he spent here with his son, daughter-in-law Melanie and grandchildren Matt, Katie, Abby and Andrew. We are so very sorry.

Now is the time to sign up to adopt the garden at the Oak Bluffs School for a week, or two, during the summer. The garden coordinator, Kaila Binney, will meet you in the garden and show you the ropes, and then you are free to harvest whatever is ready and enjoy it with your family! Email Kaila to sign up: kaila@islandgrown.org.

Important dates at the school are June 21, all school community meeting at 8:30 am. and awards day for Grades K-7. June 24 is the last day of School and there will be a noon dismissal. The school nurse would love it if you could find the time to come by and visit the “lost and longing to be found,” AKAthe rack, displaying many items students have misplaced. Bring your student to come look. It is not too full, but the things on it are so nice. They will be free to take on the last three days of school, June 20, 21, and 24.

We sent birthday smiles to Ann Merritt who celebrated on June 19, Teddy and Robby Pacheco and grandson Jeremy Alley-Tarter on the 21st, Paula O’Connor on the 22nd, followed by Jay Schofield on the 23rd, and Fran Alwardt on the 24th. Smiles to those I might have missed and get-well wishes to those in need of a healing smile.Enjoy your week.Peace.